It's been a while since we have done a 'just because' thread of any kind... what better topic than
Positive Feelings?
Studies show that acknowledging the good things in our lives, and displaying gratitude are key to happiness and mental health.
So, along those lines, please post about
any good thing you are feeling positive about
, grateful for, proud of...ect...
I will lead off with:
I am feeling all three (positive, grateful and proud of) about
my Spring Recital on Saturday. I had 120 some students perform, and they all did it and had a great time! I remembered every step (minor miracle!) of all 12 routines...and I used my positive mantras and breathing to get me through...and even
enjoy the whole experience.
I also am grateful for all of you and your support! I do so love our community here, and depend on all of you to help me through/share the ups, downs challenges and celebrations of life!
Of course that is the positive
current event...
The long/permanent list is:
Please contribute...I look forward to reading YOUR list!