Posted 7/9/2017 12:23 PM (GMT -5)
I'll try to keep this short and simple. I've had anxiety my entire life. I can remeber being this way at 5. My family wasn't super kind about it. My father suffers in silence as "*****ing" is a weakness I guess. Needless to say, I was medicated for so long that at 36 I'm now learning how to properly cope without medication.
I weaned off Paxil 2 years ago. I was feeling dead inside. I had memory loss and quite frankly was tired of doctors just writing Rx after Rx to get rid of me. I switched to a naturopath and started Neuro Feeback, diet changes (my anxiety causes me not to eat often because I always feel nervous), supplements etc. I began to feel myself again. Was making art again. My husband and kids loved having a non zombie mom.
I've had bouts of anxiety due to my triggers (driving on freeways really gets me. or driving in general) so I would avoid them. Well, Friday night we were out having a fun Family date and I felt off. My heart felt like it was beating like crazy, started getting warm and shaky. After I went to the restroom the panic attack started. It got so bad a gal saw me and started calling 911 which I knew logically I didn't need but I was convinced death was coming. Full heart attack. Untriggered. My husband was able to cancel the ambulence and get me calmed. Its Sunday and I'm still shaky and now depressed. I'm rarely depressed so it's freaking me out. Why can't I feel better? I just feel so defeated like I've tried and tried for 25 years to fix me and I can't do it without being drugged and dead inside. Ill take any tips to get out of this funk. When I think about it, I think I've been gradually getting depressed for a couple months over this. Having a hard time focusing on stuff aside from.. "my heart feels weird" or "why am i shaky" and that bums me out.
I'm just so angry and so over this crap.