Posted 10/28/2017 4:16 PM (GMT -5)
Hello everyone. I'm new here. My name is Nick, I'm a 24 year old male with severe Anxiety, Panic and Depression (at least that's what I was diagnosed with) I've been through hell these last couple months (Had to leave my job, been home, and getting multiple different episodes of attacks) so please let me tell you my story and see if you guys can help me...
Back in May of this year at one of my old jobs at the time, I was really stressed and never felt right that entire day. (I hated the job to begin with) and after dealing with some stressful customers, I, out of nowhere, felt almost like a flip was switched, and my entire left arm and left went numb and super tingly and I was shaking like crazy. I felt it in my head too. I couldn't stop shaking and eventually left work because of it. I thought I was having a heart attack or something, so I took benadryl and slept it off, and the next day I was fine...
Fast forward to June, when I'm working a new job at the time, (Co-workers and staff suck) just outta nowhere that day I felt funny... I noticed when I was using a screwdriver to unscrew something I felt pins and needles in my left hand (between your thumb and index finger) and I was lightly shaking the morning of. My left leg felt off the whole morning... like it was... light and tingly. Then it started to happen more in my arm and then my face. My Heart Rate was around 120. I had to go home and since then, when I slept it off it was still there.
To this day I've been home, between doctors and hospitals.
I woke up a couple days after and had a SEVERE panic attack, thinking I was dying and my parents took me to the ER, and they told me I was fine. Ran Urine, and an EKG test on me, and I was perfectly ok and it was diagnosed as panic disorder.
So I've also seen a Therapist and a Psychiatrist (which mind you I'm thinking of looking for new ones) and I was prescribed some medication to try. Paxil, didn't work cause I felt off. Then I tried Lexapro... I started getting head sensations that made me feel like my head was gonna snap, so we went from 10mlg to 5mlg to see if that would work, and the same thing happened. (I was on 10MLG for about a month) So my Psychiatrist now has me on no meds for a month and wants to see how I'm doing. (spoiler alert I think terrible.) She explained that those are the two best medications and I didn't do well with them and things that the only other route is Prozac... Really?
She also gave me Klonopin (0.5mlg) to take as needed, and THAT is what helps me sometimes, but I can't take it all the time cause it knocks me on my butt. It's powerful.
So on top of that, about maybe 4-5 weeks ago I started breaking out in hives. Like BAD hives. I thought it was something in my room so I slept downstairs and it still persisted. So I went to a Dermatologist and they took a Biopsy and ran Blood Tests. The first results of my blood work came back with my ANA being Positive, so they required more testing for Lupus! (oh God.) So I take the Lupus blood test (7 tubes of blood...) and the results came back with my ANA TITER 1 and 2 at 1.80 with Homogeneous and Speckled patterns, with all signs pointing to Lupus.
My Derm then said that all the other Lupus tests were negative and that ANA can be very sensitive so they don't believe I have it, though I am still seeing a Rheumatologist on the 14th of Nov. My Derm also prescribed my Levocetrizine (Xyzal) for my hives and allergies along with a cream which helped greatly for the hives.
Today I've not a single break out in a couple weeks.
However fast forward to Present day I started getting weird sensations in my throat. I felt like there was a lump in the right side of my throat and my right lip also got swollen TWICE in the same spot. So I went to an ENT and he saw nothing bad except a slightly irritated tonsil or gland pocket and said I'm fine. But my MD gave me Antibiotics for it and I finished them.
Now my throat doesn't bother me anymore for the most part.
I also went to see an Allergist on my allergies and turns out I'm allergic to every Tree pollen, dust, roaches, cats, dogs, grass, mold, etc.. lol (What a life, huh?)
So now to my main issue...
For the last 4 Days I've been having shaking in my upper left arm with pains occasionally going to my chest near my heart, and my left leg also feels the same shaky, tingling feeling, and I'm petrified about it being something bad. I already saw a Neurologist about a month ago for fear of Seizures (I'm a mess.) and had an EEG done and all came back fine.
So the feeling I get, (especially when I wake up) is my left arm, near my shoulder feels like it's vibrating and sometimes I get short of breath and the pains I get in my chest sometimes scare me. I also sometimes get some slight twitches or pains on the left side of my neck too!
I know this is a lot to take it in but I wanted to catch anyone up to EVERYTHING I've been through lately.
I appreciate any and all help and suggestions! Please... I'm going nuts here.. lol Thank you!