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Bright red blood in stool? Small amount?
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Morgan Rae
New Member
Joined : Jan 2018
Posts : 5
Posted 1/2/2018 2:09 AM (GMT -5)
I've been noticing a few trickles of red blood in my stools (the trickles are all near each other at the end of the stool). Stool is a regular brown color. Had blood tests and I'm not anemic. I'm scared as to what this could be? Making an appointment with a GI doctor. I suffer from chronic constipation and don't have regular bowel movements and strain quite often. Sometimes I strain just to get out small amount. It stopped and then started again. No stomach pain but a lot of fullness feeling in the rectum and occasional rectal spasms. Could this be diverticulitis? Only reason why I'm asking is bc I heard straining/constipation can cause diverticulitis but apparently there's a lot of pain with it and I have just about
none? Maybe a little pain here and there but I'm being very obsessive and tuned into my body bc I'm nervous. I suffer from anxiety especially in the past year. I'm so worried about
a colon perforation. Btw I'm 23
Scaredy Cat
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Posted 1/2/2018 1:50 PM (GMT -5)
Hello and welcome!
I am sorry that you are dealing with anxiety regarding your symptoms. This is a common topic of discussion here, so know that you are not alone.
It sounds to me like you are dealing with chronic constipation and have fissures and/or internal hemorrhoids.
What have you tried either dietary/lifestyle, or with an otc med ti help?
Upping your fiber (and remember fiber is only as good as the water intake increase you also do!) along with exercise...and a stool softener such as Colace is a good plan to start with...
...and please see our Resources at the top of the main forum page here for great anxiety self help material to work with.
Hopefully you'll have a productive appointment with your GI...and come to a good place of management for this issue.
Post with us anytime for support and encouragement!
Scaredy Cat
Beth Be Well
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Posted 1/2/2018 3:41 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Morgan Rae,
I have the exact same thing happening to me. And I too suffer from health when any little thing goes wrong, my anxiety kicks in! Scared Cat gave you some excellent advise. Eat healthy, drink water, follow through with your doctor appt and I'm sure you'll be OK!!!
Mel B
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Posted 1/2/2018 3:49 PM (GMT -5)
I have the same issue and have been to Dr. for this issue. It’s an anal fissure. I was scared so scared as I have awful anxiety. You are very young, have some peace in that
Make an appt with your Dr. to ease your mind so you can move forward.
Veteran Member
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Posted 1/2/2018 7:44 PM (GMT -5)
I have exact same thing. turns out I do have diverticulitus but nothing else. change diet and eat as much fiber as you can and you will be fine. stopping red meat was the cure for me. much better after giving up red meat. eat fruits
Morgan Rae
New Member
Joined : Jan 2018
Posts : 5
Posted 1/2/2018 8:01 PM (GMT -5)
Okay thanks so much. I feel a bit better after reading your comments. It might be internal hemmorhoids but I'm not sure. As for a fissure, I think I had one in the past (never saw a doctor for this) but it was extremely painful down there for 2 days after a difficult bowel movement and then stopped. I have really no pain this time like a fissure would cause, just some pressure. If it's diverticulitis, isn't it dangerous to have it untreated since it's an infection? My anxiety is sky high over worrying about
that one. I have no stomach pains so I'm not sure. I not able to see a GI doctor until next week. Also, a recent bowel movement there was no blood at all and then it started again with the next one but I strained a bit so idk... the only reason I'm noticing blood is because I'm looking for it. Kinda scary bc if I wasn't looking so hard for it there's no way I would've noticed it
Scaredy Cat
Elite Member
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Posted 1/2/2018 11:32 PM (GMT -5)
Try not to worry until you've been seen by your doctor and reassured. You are really not in the age category to be at risk for diverticulitis.
Use the Therapy Worksheets from our Resources to help diffuse the worries that are trying to take over.
Keep us updated so we can keep you in support!
Morgan Rae
New Member
Joined : Jan 2018
Posts : 5
Posted 1/5/2018 6:46 PM (GMT -5)
I'm such a worrier. I wanna think that maybe this is just hemorrhoids but I keep thinking that it would've stopped after one or two bowel movements. And I thought hemorrhoids was mostly blood on the TP? Which I have had before but not now. Because it hasn't stopped, I keep thinking something serious is wrong. I have had chronic constipation my whole life and that can lead to volvulus (twisting of colon) which could cause blood in stool, bowel ischemia, or a perforation from diverticulitis. I keep worrying death is near. My appt is next week and I worry it's going to be too late. Can someone please give me some advice?
Scaredy Cat
Elite Member
Joined : Sep 2006
Posts : 28868
Posted 1/5/2018 9:23 PM (GMT -5)
Use these worksheets to help contradict the scary thoughts your anxiety is causing you. It will take some commitment and practice, but if you keep it up, it will help.
Therapy Work Sheets:
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