Posted 4/10/2018 1:20 PM (GMT -5)
Hi All. New here and was prescribed Lexapro 10mg for Anxiety this morning from my GP. I've been on a laundry list of SSRI's and SNRI's and always had the WORST side effects from them. I'm currently going through a divorce and under major stress at work. Trying to take care of my kid on my own while I struggle financially because my soon to be ex doesn't feel he needs to help.
I haven't picked my meds up from the pharmacy yet, but I read my notes from the Dr and it says to just take 10mg every morning. No tittering up, no concerns on sleepiness, so I'm here for some advice. I've read most start at 5mg and go up to 10mg. Should I do that, or just start out with the 10mg dose? Should I expect my anxiety/anger to get worse before this starts working? He refused to prescribe xanax or klonnopin while the Lexapro built up in my system.