Posted 10/8/2018 11:34 PM (GMT -5)
Hello everyone!
I decided a week ago that I will be writing my story. I will be talking about my personal experiences throughout life being diagnosed with mental illness. I will talk about the challenges it has inflicted upon my schooling, work, and the perception of me. I will talk about the stigma, the discrimination, and the violations I have suffered in the workplace. I will discuss ignorance and misunderstanding as a source of fear and hatred. I will talk about mental illness, my journey through misdiagnosis, medication trials, and debilitating side effects. I will discuss problems with our societal norms and the lack of the element of humanity in the workplace, and the negative effect it has on all employees, mentally ill or not.
I have lived in fear and have been ruled by fear for too long, but I am also well educated in science, psychology, the central nervous system, mental illness, and drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (specifically for CNS drugs for treatment of mental illness).
My situation is unique. It’s not every day you meet someone with multiple mental illness diagnoses who made it to the science industry, much less, is still surviving in it. I am not only a scientist, but a patient of the very drugs I am working on.
I hope you all will support me in my awareness and advocacy venture. I plan to have the blog, my personal story, tips and tricks, resources, information on ADA law and other issues that pop up along the way.
I am a little scared as to where my career will head now. Hopefully I can remain in science, but who knows? We will see. My condition has currently destabilized and it’s time to play that game again. My psych has said she’s 100% certain of my GAD and PD diagnosis, but not bipolar. I will be going to a neuropsychologist for further testing, including accommodations testing. I have started to taper off lithium and increased my Zoloft. Hopefully I can see the neuropsychologist soon and finally figure out what the underlying diagnosis is.
When my website is ready to go, I will share the link with you all! Much love and many blessings!