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having anxiety attacks
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older guy
Veteran Member
Joined : Oct 2011
Posts : 1077
Posted 10/22/2019 7:37 AM (GMT -5)
Hi, I'm Rich aka Older Guy,
Today plumbers are coming to work on pipes in the backyard. Like usually happens I am anxious. I am trying to remember they came last week twice and it worked out fine. My sister (who will be at work today) feels no such anxiety. I find myself comparing myself to her, and I come out on the short end of the stick.
Part of the anxiety has to do with our dog. I hope he doesn't sit by the back door and bark for hours. I just have to wait and see how things work out.
I have been up since 5:30 am (it's going on 8 right now) and spent quite a bit of time worrying. i should probably eat breakfast now because i'm hungry.
i don't know if they will turn the water off, and when and for how long. i guess i could ask them, as well as ask them about
how they will go about
their work.
i have texted a couple of friends to get their support.
i guess i just need to breathe and trust that things will work out. i do know that if things go wrong, i will be able to take corrective action.
feedback encouraged.
thanks for reading, Rich
getting by
Forum Moderator
Joined : Sep 2007
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Posted 10/22/2019 11:02 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Rich,
I am sorry for what you are going through. Yes, you are right BREATHE... Smell the roses and blow out the candles. That is what I do.
Can you hold the dog while the plumbers are there? Is the dog small enough? Maybe it would calm the dog down. It sounds like the dog is anxious too. I have a large dog and she causes me anxiety at times. She is very hyper. But they tend to pick up on our emotions at times. The dog I had before this had separation anxiety. If I had to go somewhere I would get anxious because of the way she acted when I would try to leave the house, she would pick up on that anxiety and we fed off of each others. Crazy, but true.
You said the other days worked out fine, I imagine this one will also. You have a good idea about
asking them how long the water will be off.
I hope it works out well.
Hugs, Karen...
Scaredy Cat
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Posted 10/22/2019 11:53 AM (GMT -5)
I hope by now the workers have come and gone. (sorry I am West Coast and don't get up and going as early as you)
I know that you are really strong in your skills though, and no doubt got through the time that they were there.
Continue to use your coping mechanisms to decompress and come down from the anxious feelings which can take some time to settle.
Peace and progress friend!
older guy
Veteran Member
Joined : Oct 2011
Posts : 1077
Posted 10/22/2019 4:10 PM (GMT -5)
thanks so much Karen and Scaredy Cat,
everything went fine. the plumbers were very considerate. once everything got going (their work) I was fine. my early morning anxiety seems to be a long-standing problem. i am going to try switching to decaf coffee. and of course doing my other things such as deep breathing, writing and reaching out to you and to friends and people in Al-Anon.
thanks again,
getting by
Forum Moderator
Joined : Sep 2007
Posts : 45302
Posted 10/22/2019 5:15 PM (GMT -5)
I am glad it went well Rich... Anticipating an event can become overwhelming. Anxiety stinks. But remember we are always here for you. And you are stronger than you think. How was the dog? I hope good.
Take care and have a good night...
Hugs, Karen...
Scaredy Cat
Elite Member
Joined : Sep 2006
Posts : 28868
Posted 10/22/2019 10:20 PM (GMT -5)
Yay! So glad to hear that it went better than what your anxiety was trying to make you believe!
Great job with your management through this challenge! Keep up the great work.
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