Hi Karen,
I went to the doctor she told me she is certain its nothing but offered an ultrasound only because she saw me anxious about
it, but she said again I am sure its nothing. She told me, you had an MRI a year ago and a mammogram 4.5 months ago and they were negative ,etc. I didn't have time to wait and do an ultrasound because I had to pick up my kids from school. She told me give it a few weeks if its still there we can do an ultrasound.
Well it went away for about
a week but its back again. These pulsations straight into my nipple, they are kind of painful. I don't know I am so so so worried. I feel so stupid I didn't get it back then with this virus I am afraid to go into the hospital let alone allow them to schedule me something that it isn't supposedly urgent
(((( I am going crazy