Posted 12/11/2020 2:47 PM (GMT -5)
You said, “I try to stay optimistic about I was before the pandemic I mean literally I was always trying to help Other anxiety sufferers.”
Do you know why I’m trying to help you and others on this board, even though I’m bipolar and I have as many problems as everyone else?
It’s because of what you just said, “I mean literally I was always trying to help Other anxiety sufferers.”
In my case, a year or so before I came on this website, I was on a “particular ailment” website, and I went on there with a problem that was really getting me down. And on that website was a woman who was having a problem, and my concern suddenly turned from worrying about my health problem, to worrying about hers.
And I gave everything I had to trying to help that person. And you what happened? My health problem disappeared. My psychic energy turned around from going inward and worrying about my health problem, to going outward and worrying about her health problem.
So when I came on this board, I never thought about any of my problems, I had learned to try to help somebody else.
So that is true what you say: “I mean literally I was always trying to help Other anxiety sufferers.” And in so doing, we may help them and we often help ourselves.
As far as being positive, I didn’t know anything about that. I always thought my parents were right when I was being raised, that many things were bad, and I adopted that, and since that was in my unconscious, which I can’t see, I really didn’t know I was carrying that around.
I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t solve problems.
What I would often see after I had blundered, was that I had rejected a solution that turned out to be correct. It was my positive conscious wanting to do something, but having learned negative as a child, my unconscious was on negative, and was taught to disagree with whatever goal my conscious wanted to achieve.
So inside my mind is plus 1, minus 1 = 0. So I couldn’t solve the problem. Until I can get both sides of my mind going in the same direction, I can’t solve the problem.
So I came across this newspaper column on being positive when trying to solve problems.
She said, if you’re positive going into a problem that you can solve it, your chances of solving it double.
What I found that does is, it flipped the switch in my unconscious from negative to positive, and I solved the next problem that I had, not by thinking first about the problem, but to thinking that could solve it.
Then, when I went into a problem, I wouldn’t think about the problem, I would first say, “Think, positive, think positive, think positive,” and only then think about the problem.
That’s what the column taught me.