Posted 10/18/2022 8:24 PM (GMT -5)
You said, "I was just writing because I'm really struggling with my moods/"
My guess was going to be what you said near the end of your post:
"It's not good for me either that I am not out there in the world, living any sort of life"
I have the same problem, even before the virus started.
The guy who cuts my grass just came by doing a welfare check and for the 10 minutes that he was here I was as animated and talkative as I could be. I know socialization helps me. That it's theraputic.
I think before I got on the right medicine (Mirtazapine anti-depressant and Lithium mood stabilizer) for my bipolar, I would have been depressed before he arrived and depressed after he left.
But I've been on the right medicine for years now and I was not depressed before he got here and I was not depressed after he left.
So, my original case here was going to be, socialization. Which I know how hard that can be.
Now my case is, getting on the right medicine.
You said, "I probably cry about 3 times a day. Or if not that, I am well rested and disconnected. I'm just tired of feeling burnt out all the time. I kind of half funtion everyday."
If you cry, that's depression as a psychiatrist told me when I cried and she said, "Aw, you're just depressed."
You also say, "Somewhere bw anxiousness and not being able to move."
You also say, "I feel like I've tried it all, the vitamins, the exercise, going to bed early. I get plenty of sun and drink lots of water."
You mention everything but psychiatric medicines.
You're going all the way around the world to avoid psychiatric medicines.
Are you taking anything for those conditions? Have you tried them in the past? Are you seeing a psychiatrist?
Do you have a hobby or a favorite TV show? You mentioned exercise, is there somewhere you can walk which can help with mood?