A Accite unfriendly words and feelings normally accoy
N Nugacious things that seem nubilate the positive
X Xanthate of grain it really is in the big picture
I Immarcescible faith must be found
E Ecardinate before fire eats you during the
T Tumultuary emotions which feed in the
Y Yapness of moments during anger
Accite = To summon, cite
Accoy = To subdue, pacify, soothe
Ecardinate = without hinges
Immarcescible = unfading
Nubilate = to obscure
Nugacious = unimportant
Tumultuary = chaotic
Xanthate = a salt
Yapness = hunger
Don't worry folks, you arent alone, Gerd got a crazy poem too... where is the iron skillet upside my head when i need it