Posted 12/16/2013 2:59 AM (GMT -5)
I am waiting for my appointment on tuesday. Right now my panic attacks way better. I have a really bad anxiety, I can't even say all the things I worry about it its just too many. My pure Obsessional OCD makes me worry about going crazy, being delusional , being aggressive and hurting myself or someone. But when I don't worry about that I worry about the fact that i have a really bad problem, and that ocd is just so annoying, i worry about what if i don;t get better or recover my life. Then I think what I can't be social again? go out again ?
It is so annoying because I want to get another job, and finding a new one causes me anxiety, harm ocd anxiety, going crazy anxiety and just pure anxiety. It scares me to have intrusive thoughts or to just not enjoy anything about it. I imagine myself panicking :'(!!! But then I think OMG what if can't ever get a job or have a life !! and I think that thought scares me even more. I want my life back.
I really don't know what do about it. the only thing that I think is I need to apply and interview and get that job! the scariest one like what I most fear because it is the only way to beat my fears!!
Last friday I watching some news and the shooting in the highchool news came and it always triggers harm anxiety thoughts! Does anyone here feels the same ?