Posted 3/7/2014 2:10 AM (GMT -5)
Hi FT and welcome back.;)
I am really glad to hear that things in general are going well! That is great news.
If your anxiety is happening mostly at school...what else besides tests can you identify as a trigger?
Getting anxious before taking a test is not unusual, and may not even be considered what is actually beyond what any average person feels before an exam.
Of course is you are having a panic attack, then that is different...but if you are simply feeling apprehensive...I think that is to be expected. Those of us with anxiety sometimes forget that anxiety is at times normal and appropriate! It can keep us sharp, and actually help us perform optimally.
If however, you are just anxious and stressed out at school in general, then you will want pinpoint the possible reasons why, and try to come up with solutions.
Are you feeling overwhelmed socially for example? Or is it fear of failing or not doing as well as your expectations call for?
How are you doing with coping skills? Do you take time to decompress? Journaling, meditation and stress relieving exercises like deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation all really help.;)
Take time to just unwind and have fun as well. When all of your work/chores are done...just reward yourself by spending some time doing your favorite activities!
Wishing you peace and wellness! Post with us anytime.:)