Posted 8/25/2015 7:44 AM (GMT -5)
I thought ones before this one was bad!!
I've NEVER been weak and shaking and tired after,
I'm sure I'm lucky to not have had to deal with that so far!
Vibrations in the chest ( still slightly getting them, but I also have GERD, so idk. ) are so unnerving to me!! ):
But, my god! It's the morning after and I'm still so exhausted and drained!! Again with thinking something is wrong with my heart, all because I had a spasm in my chest! I took my medication that worked within 30 minutes, my coping skills weren't even working, seriously not even one bit!
My thyroid levels are a little high,
And I may have Fibromyalgia, or some kind of musculoskeletal thing. so I'm not sure if
The spasms can come from those or not,
But either way, I can't even it somehow doesn't matter
Even though I try and make sense of it!
Oh and I googled, smart thing to do, right!?
So not only do I feel absolutely crazy,
But I feel stupid as well, since I know darn good
Well not to google! ):
Thanks for reading this. I'm not sure if I was even trying
To get to a point, or just want to get it out.