Posted 3/30/2016 5:58 PM (GMT -5)
today I went to a new high school for the first time. I was on the swings and a girl came up to me, I was feeling fine, she didnt freak me out I didnt feel anxious, when out of no were I coudnt see! I started to faint sitting on the swing and felt like I went unconsious for a spilt second , everything was moving around me. this has never happend! I sat on the ground and told he to get my boyfriend and she ran and did and they got a paramedic to check my vitals, I was fine. everything was normal. I had a blood test, heart test, and cat scans in the last week. What happend? is this panic? I felt SO confused and dazed and couldnt remember what happened well I was on the ground , my memory obviosly came back, but everyone said I had color in my face and looked ok. I was in the sun, it was the first hot day in ages, and I dont do well in the sun. I had enough water and food. help! now I just keep thinking "oh god Im dying" "what will happen to me if I faint for a while"