Posted 4/29/2016 10:18 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Folks,
Thank you for sharing. I find it really helps me to know that I am not the only one going through anxiety and depression.
As for my story .. I was always a shy kid. I remember my legs would shake when I had to do an oral presentation in school. Fortunately, I had a good childhood .. no traumas .. which I am so sorry to hear that some of you have gone through. I did well in highschool, college .. got a job right away. I haved worked in may place .. I believe my anxiety got bad when I was in my late 20's. I think I was just given Ativan at the time. Worked at a lawfirm for 13 years doing technical support ... had fun. During pregnancy I was very very ill with nausea, bed ridden ill. After I delivered that's when my hormones though me into a depression, but I didn't take medication at that time. Eventually, it went away. 3 years later I was happy to be pregnant again, but once again I was so sick, I was bedridden, and then during the pregnancy I went into a brutal depression. So I know everything is hormonal or chemical or whatever you want to call it. I lost the baby ... I went on Paxil... pretty much stayed in bed for 3 months. Then one day I woke up and the depression was gone. I continued working etc. Did well for a long time. Moved from downtown area of Toronto, and sought employment. Was doing quite well, still on the Paxil but slowly I guess I came off. My last job was part time, but really far away. I was driving on our brutal highways to a job that was ok but not great. Boss was weird.
One night I woke with that dreaded panic attack ... I went straight to the dr. (which unfortunately was a new dr.) I just went to a walk in clininc. She gave me cipralex. She didn't tell me about any side effects etc. I felt like I was on speed.(not that I have ever done that!) I couldn't take it. I went back on paxil .. couldn't take it .. I quit the job. It was a very very bad year of trying different antidepressants going on an off and one day I just said to my husband to take me to the hospital. I stayed for a month ... but again they changed the meds and then discharged me. I continued to see a mental health dr. who has been so kind. That God for him. I have been pretty good, but have had some 'blips' or break through anxiety as Hibbee I thinks calls it. I am on several meds including Zoloft. Sorry is this too long?
Anyway, I always follow the Healing Well site, Anxiety and Depression and I appreciate the exchange of info so much. I feels more real coming from patients rather than doctors.
Regards .. and thank you