Hi family
I am doing very well without Enxiety meds. I have even lost count, but I can't help feeling like i am watching this Enxiety every moment of my life,, i am scared its going to creep in hard anytime, so i can't be too relaxed, and I try very hard to avoid worrying . Ok its not completely gone but it doesnt scare me anymore, i manage it without Alzam. I know it is normal to be enxious as well but not to have enxiety attacks.also it's normal to worry a bit, you know I ve got 2 teenagers. am i completely going to be my normal self again after completing my therapy and my anti depressants , my p doc said il be fine its still early days. But you know for her its money every time I see her. So it's better I hear it from you guys. I miss my afternoon naps , on weekends its a pity now I can't sleep without a sleeping tablet. Just curious..
feel like having nice fresh peppermint caramel tart as well...hahaha