Posted 11/3/2017 10:25 PM (GMT -5)
I suddenly 4 months ago I got what the doctor thinks was gastro or food poisoning that I feel I never fully recovered from. I had diarrhoea daily for 6 weeks and now go between normal/loose/diarrhoea and the colour changes regularly. I had severe abdominal pain and bloating feeling under my ribs constantly, which has since improved and doesn't occur as frequently. I have always been a worrier and had anxiety to a degree, but I feel this has all really aggravated it and I swear my doctor thinks I am a hypercondriact as I have felt I have had every cancer to name and been cleared of it. I have had a CT of abdomen, ultrasound of abdomen, multiple blood Tests, stool test, Ct of chest, colonoscopy, endoscopy, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and Pap smear. about 6 weeks after the gastro event, I started to experience fluid like discharge with blood in it and spotting between menstrual periods was not normal for me. All tests have come back clear, except my trans vaginal ultrasound showed a gestational like sac present in my uterus, which a pregnancy test was negative so I was referred to my gyro for further investigation. She performed a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and couldn't see the gestational sac looking thing. She advised there was blood stained fluid present and slight vascular area but biopsies all came back clear. Endoscopy revealed mild gastritis and all other tests and biopsies came back clear. Around the same time as the spotting started so did reflux and I am still stuck with it now. I took nexium for 33 days and didn't feel it made any difference to my stomach trouble/reflux but swapped to somac 4 days ago and feeling like it helps me significantly (I am very thankful for this). Throughout all this testing I thought I had ovarian cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer and stomach cancer of which I was cleared of it all. The reflux caused what we now think was heart burn to the point where my throat, nose and chest would burn. The pain would travel under my arms and down my arms sometimes. I seen GP recently worried that I have lukemia or lymph node cancer now as my lympasites blood test what elevated but she assured me that I don't and that my white cell count on a whole is within normal range it was only my lympacites that was elevated and she said that happens when your body is fighting a cold ect.. and I do feel I have a slight cold. She believes I am suffering from health anxiety and we together have decided we have to draw a line and I can't keep having constant invasive tests. I agree with completely, but I can't get out of my head that this can all be anxiety/gastritis/IBS. What do you think?
I currently have upset bowels (IBS they think), gastritis and the below symptoms that they believe is anxiety. Can the below symptoms really be anxiety related.
burning/zap feelings in my head
muscle weakness
head aches
bruning sensation in neck and back of right thigh
tingling fingers and arms
very worried
sore/stiff neck and back of head
ringing in ear occassionally
flu like symptoms
slight rash sometimes
Can this all be anxiety/stress related really. My doctor is also questioning whether the gastritis was due to this also as I opened my own business 2 years ago and it has been a stressful time.
I am so sorry for the very long post, but your opinions/feedback would be mutely appreciated as I am at my wits end and so sick of feeling like this. I started 5mg endep 2 weeks ago which is helping me sleep at night but thats it.