Yes, I have tried these and so many more
. The one medication that really did help me was Trazadone, but it brought my blood pressure down so low. I could not function. I have seen a psychiatrist, but where I was living in the before, access to a psychiatrist is next to impossible. Not enough psychiatrists to support the need. I did see a psychologist for an 8 month period and I really got great support from him. Unfortunately, he did move away. My husband and I moved to a bigger city for better work opportunities a couple of months ago. Although I love the bigger city and I know there is mental/medical care here, it is a big change. Like anything in life, we have had some conflict with the move. Nothing huge, but enough to send a person with anxiety into a bit of a tailspin. We have no medical plan, but I may have some once I am in the new province (I am in Canada) for 3 months. We will change to the new provincial plan at the time. Right now, I am trying to manage, remembering my therapy and taking care of myself.