Posted 8/21/2018 10:29 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Franki,
I am so sorry that you have had such a rough few days. I have had cyclical panic attacks as well. You'll start with one, that will eventually pass...only to have another one hours, or a day later, and on and on. It is exhausting and feels defeating after awhile!
The good news is that now that you know all is well physically, you can begin to concentrate on your anxiety management plan.
Since you know that your symptoms...though physically real, are not coming from, or causing physical harm to can use positive mantras as a powerful tool against the panic attacks. Repeating positive, reassuring and calm words to yourself will help defuse the panic so that it can no longer escalate.
You might say, "I am okay, this is just anxiety making me feel this way." or " I have felt this way before and gotten through it, and I can do it again." For more ideas/info on Positive Mantras see the link in our Resources!
Breathing techniques and other Stress Relieving Exercises are all key as well, and can be found in the Resources as well.
Working a self help regimen daily may be just what you need to manage your anxiety. If you do feel you need further help, then talking with your doctor about medication and/or therapy would be the next step.
You are going to get to a better place and start to feel your best again once you take the steps towards finding what is going to work best for you, and start your plan in action!
Keep us posted, so we can keep you in support!