So that is the issue. Here at least patients of chronic illness are not considered the same as other patients.
So if someone finally makes the agonizing decision to go to see their doctor (even though nothing will be taken seriously) what they get is dismissed. It is the idea on the doctors part “well, you’re supposed to be sick” or “it’s understandable, you’re sick!?” That there is the enevitable pat on the head and “but you do so well with everything”. If I reply do so well?....I am to nauseated to eat, to tired to do anything.....that’s when depression card is drawn....the diagnosis made without a thought.
Last time I offered my research into what I am experiencing, nobody understands my illness more than I, .......then it was “okay leave it with me”...
that was two weeks ago...I have heard nothing. Now that breeds anxiety...and allot of other things.
I am stuck, and after asking repeatedly for assistance to get unstuck I am pushed right back down making it known to me that I am even more stuck than before.
I have a rheumy appointment Friday they are specialized appointments so not ver often, allot can happen in six months. I hate spending time on the subject of terrible medical care at home that she can do little about
. She does know it’s a problem but has no authority to change it.
Thanks, tuffymason
Post Edited By Moderator (Scaredy Cat) : 3/4/2019 12:01:02 PM (GMT-7)