Posted 7/16/2024 6:39 PM (GMT -5)
You say you are having panic attacks. As a bipolar I’ve had them. My psychiatrist put me on Lithium and an anti-depressant and that stopped them immediately. I haven’t had one in over 30 years because of that.
WHO (World Health Organization) says, “If you have repeated, and unexpected panic attacks, you may have panic disorder.”
Panic attacks could also be a sign of bipolar, like I have, and anxiety I would think. Does anxiety run in your family?
Treatment according to is:
• Anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications
• Counseling, such as cognitive (positive thinking) behavioral therapy
One of the symptoms of anxiety disorders may include “trouble concentrating or making decisions.”
So, one of the problems with panic attacks (bipolar, etc.) is that decisions as to treatment are harder to make. So, you’re not going to have an easy time with this. You’re going to have to buck up and make some positive moves.
I would contact a psychiatrist. I would look on the internet for one near you and make an appointment. I found that drinking and medicine don’t mix.
High cholesterol is also treatable with medicine. I know because I take high cholesterol medicine. So you might want to see a general practitioner for that.
Job stress is listed as one of the causes of panic attacks by the net. Of course, with an underlying mental illness, bipolar like I have, anything can set off panic attacks, anxiety, etc. So you want to treat the underlying condition not just the symptom. That’s why you want a diagnosis.
Mid 30's, yeah. That's a good age for these things to start. Meaning, also, you've never had this before so you don't know what this is. When you were 20, you didn't have this so you have nothing to base this new condition of panic attacks on. So mid 30s can be an age when they start so you've hit the right age for this. They don't come with instructions or warnings.