--Now that I've gotten off Seroquel, my bizarre pre sleep symptoms have gone.
---Recently, I've been under a lot more stress (w some temporary situation). Anyway, on about
only 2 or 3 times at most--right before going off to sleep--I hear a loud "BANG" sound that comes from within my head!
---Like a "cracking sound" of wood falling! I told me wife & said, it must have been something outside! I said.."NO WAY"
--This was coming from WITHIN my head!
--Anyway--tonite, While doing searches on this phenomena--I came across exactly what it is--"The Exploding Head" Syndrome!---It described the feeling to a tee! It is an auditory hallucination---related to other pre sleep disorders like restless leg syndrome. It also is written that sometimes it is accompanied by flashes of light (tho not in my case)
--Actually it was not really "diagnosed" until 1988. It is totally harmless & the exact cause is not understood--tho some Drs think it might have something to do w the ear & the Eustachian tube.
ONLY ME....with these..."WEIRD" symptoms--especially pre-sleep! Anyway--has anyone else out there experienced strange "babging" sounds in their head right before sleep?