Hi, Angela123, That is scary that your vision has not returned to normal after a migraine aura. The first time I had one I had no idea of what it was and thought that I had gone blind! You may want...
Hi, Seth1056, I see that you posted way back in 2014, so, not sure how you are doing. But, I wanted to suggest that if you are still looking for answers, you may want to do as I have: 1) See a...
Hi, jeanneac, A few years ago, I fell on both knees and injured them, the right knee the worst. I went through what you have, going from doctor to doctor. I finally found an Orthopedic specialist who...
I take Oregon's Wild Harvest Turmeric...it has black pepper in it...no other additives. Great stuff. I noticed less inflammation in my finger with the first dose. My ND had me on a different brand...