Thanks for responding. I lately have been trying vaseline on the cold sore that developed in my nose. It did bring some relief. I was told it won't heal the cold sore but it does stop the burning. I...
Ever since I have been diagnosed with Sjogrens(15 yrs) I have been using a humidifier at night, one, warm mist for winter and another, cool mist for summer. I went one week without a humidifier and...
Has anyone had difficulty filling a prescription for cevimeline? All pharmacies say it's on backorder. Is it going to be discontinued? This has been the most effective drug for dry mouth!...
Anyone have a problem with bitter taste? It's not GERD, no acid just bitterness....
So you are my first post. It's seems appropriate to write about my first symptoms. In 2011 my ANA Screen noted strongly positive. This is an autoimmune disease blood test. In 2012 I had a work up by...