I found the answer for now, the reason for the tics was a bad medication reaction with the anesthetic. Which were my stimulants. I have been off of them for two weeks. So now I am going to start...
Kinda not really...
Oh I have ADHD too...
I went to the hospital wednesday because I was having involuntary tics, and it was hurting really bad. the doctors took a bloodtest and a urine test. And they accused me for not taking my Concerta or...
We are going to my Med. Doctor today, so don't think they are just saying it's ok, they just couldn't do anything right away....
I've already told them, all this I have told them from the beginning, they know. And they said that since it was solate at night and I have 3 other little siblings in my house in bed to just try and...
So, I might be having a serious problem, i am now getting random ticks, like moving my arms and head. and even just moving and not being able to focus, and I am also shaking, I went to my Thearpist...
I had taken a medicene during the day that made me drowsy and then a medicine that alerted me at night time, so I am now taking it the other way around...
Thanks, it's just weird for me. Because I am just out of it. I was so tense last night I could not relax no matter what I did, and I usually can relax, I don't know what it is!...
I just had my Ganglion Cyst taken out November first. I've been taking my meds as directed. I am 15 years old, and I feel like I'm becoming delusional because of either the surgery or something. I...