Hi Everyone. I am one of the oldies. I haven't posted much lately but do check the boards. Just wanted to let you know that the darn bc is back again. This is the 3rd time. I have 3 lymph nodes...
I agree w/ LdyJane. I also was NOT sick when I was diagnosed. I did have a big lump that I finally noticed. I immediately went to my family physician. This is NOT something to fool around with. I am...
Hi Janice! I'm sorry that this happened to you. What is w/ these drs? I have been doing some "investigative" work and I plan to file a complaint. I have placed a call to another physician that my...
First, hello to old friends here and also to the new ones. I check the board several times a week to keep "abreast" of what everyone is doing. I had to share with you the experience that I had today...
has anyone heard anything about how Jo Ann is doing? Deb...
Oh Bev, sorry to hear about your pets. It is so hard when they are ill. Of course sending lots of good thoughts for Sasha and Pudge. Keep us informed. Hugs Deb...
MK, thank you for posting and letting us know about JoAnn. I haven't been online much lately. JoAnn was my chemo angel when I was first diagnoised w/ bc in 2001. I will never forget her gifts but...
MK: Your daughter was a remarkable woman. I was always so amazed when I would read your posts and hear that she was driving herself to the dr and working. I could feel your frustration but also your...
MK, I am so sorry to hear about Carolyn. She put up quite a fight and did it HER way. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Love, Deb ...
Oh MK, I am so sorry to hear this news. I was hoping that your next post would be that Carolyn had improved. I can't imagine what you are going thru right now, but please know that we all love you...
Wow, MK, your dd certainly does take after her mother! She is really a fighter. I hope that she gets those counts up really soon. Hugs Deb...
I am glad to hear that your mom found an oncologist that she has faith in. That is very, very important. There are many different types of chemo. It will all depend on what they find when they do the...
Hi. I am glad that you posted. I also have Stage IV bc, mets to the bone. A very small spot was found on my sacrum and after a biopsy, it was found to be the same cell as my bc. I was first diagnosed...
Hello Lovecats! First of all, I want to tell you that I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis but you have found a wonderful place here to receive lots of support and love. Your attitude is...
Oh MK, I am so sorry to hear this about your dd. She certainly didn't need this news. I wish she would let her dh go w/ her. What can we do to help? Lots of prayers and positive thoughts being sent...
Wow! I have never heard of any of this and I have been on bc boards for the last 9 yrs...internet and locally. Thanks for the information. One thing that helped me since I had my first surgery in...
Ellen, I am a little late sending prayers but please know that I am praying, along w/ all of the rest of us, that everything is ok. Deb...
Hello Di! Good to hear from you. I am so sorry to hear about your sil. I know how lonely your brother will be. Does he have any children that live close? How have you been? Deb...
MK, glad to hear that your dd is doing better. Great news that she doesn't have to use the cane anymore. Hope the news from the ortho surgeon is good when she hears from him. It is tough having to go...
Mk...I fractured my hip a couple of yrs ago. Only thing that I had done was pull some weeds. I can remember how painful it was. I hope that the rad hs helped your dd.\ Hugs deb...
LOL..I am glad to know that some peeps hair comes back in the same as when they lost it. I always had very, very curly hair and always wanted straight hair. My hair came back in totally straight and...
First, big hugs to you. I know that you are feeling very frightened, confused, angry and alone right now. These are all very normal feelings that you need to experience and work thru. I am very proud...
Hi Lmarie! My name is Deb and I have Stage IV w/ mets to the bone. I was first diagnoised in Apr 2001 and then was diagnoised w/ recurrance in 2003. I also felt the same way that you are feeling...
MK: Good to hear from you. I am glad that you had a good Thanksgiving w/ your family. Sounds as though you are going to have a great time this next week. How will you be traveling? Car? Plane? Train?...
MK: I am so sorry to hear that Chuck has passed away. I know, from your posts, that he fought hard and endured more than any person should have to. I am quite sure that he has already picked out the...
Brian: I am glad that you found us. You have received some great advice from the other members. So I will add these thoughts. ....make sure that your mom has some pajamas or gowns that button up the...
Hi Ides! I'm sorry to hear about your mom. My grandmother was 87 when she was dx w/ bc. She called and told us that she was going to have a double mastectomy in 3 days. I immediately asked her if I...
Hi Lisa! It is great to have you here. I know how important your input can be from other bc support sites that I have been involved with. Thank you for caring about us. Again welcome aboard! Deb...
Oh I agree with what Bev has told you. This is excellent advice. I hope that you have already seen a dr by the time that you read this. Follow your "gut" instinct. If you feel that the physician that...
Hello! My name is Deb and I usually post on the breast cancer forum. But I need some help from you all. I have a 15 yo granddaughter that we have been trying to get a diagnosis for almost a year. It...
This is not the usual post that deals w/ the trials that each of us experience dealing w/ breast cancer. Instead, this is a post regarding our children, grandchildren, neighbors, etc. I live in...
I would be more than glad to talk w/ you on the phone. Here is my email address. Please feel free to contact me. Deb Socrnana2@aol.com ...
Yes, I have mets to the bone. I also had some spots on my liver. I posted most of this under the post below yours..think that it is titled "Concerned Husband....". This is a very managable disease....
Hi. My name is Debbi and I would be more than glad to visit w/ you. I have had Stage IV for almost 8 years....
Hi. My name is Debbi and I have stage IV bc. I was first diagnosed in 2001. At that time I was staged between II & III. I had a radical modified mastectomy w/ 19 of 21 lymph nodes positive. I had...
Hi ! I have to agree w/ what the other gals told you. You definitely need to find either an oncologist or surgeon that will listen to you and take action to find out what is causing your problems....
Mk: I am so sorry to hear all of this news. My computer has been dead for the past several weeks and just yesterday broke down and bought a laptop and got a new internet provider. I am sorry to hear...
MK: I am so sorry to hear that things are not going well. Like everyone else, I wish that I could help but Mo is rather far from Tx. Have you thought about calling the American Cancer Society and...
Thank you for your responses. Currently the only meds they have her on are Amitriptyline & Tramadol --both have been prescribed by her neurologist for headaches. Nothing else has been prescribed...
Hello! My name is Deb and I normally post on the BC Bd. But I need some help. My 14 yo granddaughter is in the process of being diagnosed w/ an autoimmune disease. It started in Dec when she had her...
I have to agree w/ all of the ladies. GET THE BIOPSY DONE ASAP. I bet that if it was a family member of your medical staff they wouldn't wait for 6 months. Deb...
I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. You have been given some great advice from the ladies. I know how frightened you are, we have all traveled down that road. It has been 8 years since my...
I received this in an email today. I find it to be so very true. I can remember 8 years ago when I was first diagnosed, people telling me that crying wouldn't help. I hope that some of you that are...
MK: I am so sorry to hear about Farmer Chuck. Wow, what a shock. I am praying that the drugs will work their magic and all of those darn mets will just disappear. I can only imagine how tired, both...
Hello my friend! Wow, I am so sorry to hear this latest news. It sucks!!!!! There are better words to use to describe this but I might get kicked out if I used them. lol You are allowed some "pity...
I saw this in one of my magazines and thought it was worth posting. After all, a little prayer can't hurt any of us! [u]Worldwide Cancer Prayer Day June 5, 2007 is the 10th Annual Worldwide Cancer...
Hi Ruby! I am so glad that you found us and that you have posted. First, I want to assure you that your are NOT alone in all of the emotions that you have been experiencing. Each of us that has been...
Hello Linda: I am sorry that you have had this scare but I am glad that you found us. Why didn't the dr do an MRI also? This might show a different view than the ultra sound and the mammo. In fact, I...
Judy: I apologize for not reading your original post earlier. I am so sorry to hear about your dd's diagnosis but I am glad to hear that her surgery went well and that she won't have to endure chemo....
. Some people are using up perfectly good oxygen, and you have to wonder why, don't you??? OMG..I love this statement. I wonder why either of the fathers of my granddaughters uses up perfectly good...