Ive never been tested, but I know I do better when eliminating it. Isn't easy, though, with our income to keep gluten out of our diet. Its pretty expensive to maintain that lifestyle, and I just dont...
Maybe I will be the "founder" of such a group of people here, straydog lol I am currently under the care of a rheumy in addition to my GP. This is my third rheumy since 2012, and I've not been...
Hello all! Looking for others with autoimmune arthritis. I noticed there is not a forum for such, figured Chronic Pain was appropriate. I was diagnosed last September after dealing with symptoms for...
Check this site out. There are all kinds of doctors listed geographically. Hope it helps! http://thefacesofas.proboards.com/board/1644/north-america...
Hello, Ive been having symptoms for several years but they have gotten worse lately. I think the worst is how badly my hair is falling out (have to clean my hair brush every day) and its turning...