I appreciate the recommendation for your doctor, but living in Alaska makes it very difficult and expensive to travel, not to mention needing to take time off work. My pain is a constant 3-5 on the...
I visited my Dr for a followup. The outlook for me is grim.. Bulging discs from L2-L5, and the bottom two have small tears that are leaking. He said that since the ESI wasn't effective for me, he...
Follow up of the treatment 12 days later: I felt like the pain for the first 3 days after my shot was getting better. The pain wasn't completely gone, but it felt "different". Now, 12 days later, it...
Well after all these years, I finally got my first epidural steroid injection yesterday. The actual procedure wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. They gave me the injection between L5 and...
Another quick question.. how long after the epidural/ shot injection before I can drive home on my own? or is this something that I will need to have somebody else drive me home for?...
I just scheduled my appointment for next wednesday. I sure hope this works.. If a shot doesn't work, do people normally try to get another one right away? I've read that you can only get so many...
Thank you so much for your reply Skeye. I will be moving forward with scheduling a shot at the soonest date available. I have about 5 weeks off before my seasonal work starts again. The only Drs that...
My back pain history all starts about 16 years ago, when I was 16 years old, due to a ski injury. I overshot a very large ski jump and compressed my back horribly. Due to fear of bankrupting my...