Thank you Susie. I have an appointment with my pain doctor next week to discuss my situation and the possibility of a pain pump. I will keep you updated....
It’s been a few months since I posted but basically i’m not any better, in fact my condition has worsened. After 2 lumbar fusions (late 2016 and 2017) I was diagnosed with Failed Back Syndrome. I...
Lynnzack- checking in to see if your condition has improved at all. Mine has not changed, still difficulty sleeping, on pain meds and generally not improving at all. My doctor has ordered a myelogram...
I’m sorry to hear this, it sounds like we both know how horrible the pain can be. I am fortunate enough to be the GM of a company that my duties allow me to work. The pain at night, and then being so...
Thank you, I will talk to my doctor about a pain patch. I need to find something that will relieve at least some of the pain. The evenings are still the worst, sometimes unbearable. Again, thanks for...
Well, I’m about 6 weeks post op from having the Spinal Cord Stimulator implant. I have had three adjustments since then and unfortunately it has not reduced my pain level very much. I am still having...
Bigecase, yes it is MRI compatible. Thanks for your response and I hope all is well with you! Karen.. thank you too! I like the positive karma in the wide universe, I am certain that will help! I...
Thanks to all of you for your replies. It is very helpful to know what others have experienced with this procedure. I believe my doctor has answered all of my questions and I plan move forward with...
After five back surgeries in eighteen years, three in the last three years with the last two being lumbar fusions I have now been diagnosed with Failed Back Syndrome. I have never been pain free, but...