They just said don’t use it to pull or push. He hasn’t been. I do think he over does it though. He’s a very hard working person and doesn’t know how to just sit still. He doesn’t like asking people...
He had good visit. He’s recovering very well. Will start cardiac rehab maybe next week. I’m so relieved he’s progressing so good. This was a scary ordeal....
I use mine regularly. It does provide a little relief. Not sure if ai would go that route again though....
Hi Stray. We have appt today. He has been doing really good the past few days. I think because he is so active. He never took a pain pill once coming home. He also does it sit still. He may sit in...
Hi, I’ve been a member for quite some time but in chronic pain forum. On Dec 27th my husband had emergency double bypass surgery. His left main artery was 80% blocked with another at 50%. He has been...
Replacement was simple. Just twilighted. Didn’t ever hurt. Had about ten staples. I never was uncomfortable with it....
I have been doing ok. After WLS I lost too much weight. Haven’t been able to gain back. Strange to have to gain after being heavy all my life. Have a 3 yo grand baby that keeps me going. I was told...
I have had my dorsal column stimulator for 9 years. I am scheduled for a battery replacement in a couple weeks. Anyone have this done?...
My mother also had compression fracture due to lifting something. This procedure was super easy and she made a full recovery from it. It was done within 2 days of fracture. She was 75 at the time. I...
I did have the injections. I have had a relief. Yea I’m not thinking on a surgery anytime soon....
So I ask my doc that did injections if this is going to help the impingement much. He said it just buys time. The only way to stop it is to go in remove spurs and scar tissue. 😩. I’m not ready to do...
Thank you Susie. I’m pretty sure the grandbaby has been a big part of this. I can’t not pull her up in my lap when arms go up or pick her up. She’s 22 months and 21 pounds. Very petite but more than...
I haven’t posted in a very long time but wanted to give a quick update. Recently had another mri at suggestion from pain management. I have had chronic neck and shoulder pain for years. The cervical...
Hi. I am doing ok. Still hanging in there. Nothing much has changed. I have had knee trouble and had injections in it with very little relief. X-ray shows meniscus is damaged. Haven’t done an mri yet...
Hi all. I have a really good RA doc. Although I do not have RA, I have fibromyalgia. She prescribed hydroxychloraquin. I hope I spelled that right. It’s the med Trump took for COVID. She said it...
Sorry you are going through this at such a young age. It sounds so much like what I have been through. I will tell you this you do not have to have RA to go to a Rheumatologist. They are so thorough...
Good news in Ms. governor opened up the state for anyone 18 and up to be eligible for vaccine....
I read where WV was knocking it out of the park on vaccinations to the nursing homes and assisted living. That’s awesome. Glad to hear you got yours. It’s such a relief once it’s over. You will be...
Oh one other place is our doctors office has them now. You may try there. You mention them not calling and made me recall what our local hospital did. They were calling our elderly and getting them...
Mississippi always gets a bad rap on everything but they have been ahead of the game on the vaccines. I had both by Feb 19. Our local small town hospital had their plan and rolled. The line never...
It’s ok. I miss him but have a grand baby that same two weeks after he passed. The void was filled very swiftly. Also, we rescued another pup. She is a big dog though. She is excellent. Her owner...
Yea, that’s why i didn’t continue taking Mobic. Funny my guy from sleep lab just called. He better explained some things to me. I can’t even nap without it. My brain may not communicate with my...
The NP called Thursday night and said bloodwork didn’t show one thing out of line. That’s good news. She’s says for sure poly osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia but with the multitude of meds I already...
So I had appt with Rheumy. Two nurse practitioners first 45 mins and then the doctor. Very thorough. They ask if i work. I said no. Ask if on disability and i said going for hearing. Seems the doc...
I’m sorry. Yes. Thank you so much. It’s been a week. 3 appt this week. Also kept sweet baby one afternoon. One thing we discussed at my psychiatrist appt was how I was messing up appts regularly. We...
I had another appt with psychiatrist today. He seems to be helping with Panic attacks. I still have onset but can be talked through by my husband or sister. He really understands how pain and your...
Thank you. This baby is my world. I thought would be a big pain distraction but naw. At 7 weeks and about 9 pounds she is causing the left shoulder and arm much pain. I’m not putting her down though....
Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas. I think we are going to have a rough New Year here in the south. I got the Rheumy appt for a few weeks out. This pain is getting out of hand. Neck, shoulders...
I had a nerve study on left arm Tuesday. It was normal. I am glad but still don’t know what is causing the weakness and pain. My physical science doctor who is awesome said go to a rheumatologist....
Also I would give a warning about them. When you no longer need there may be withdrawal symptoms. I have weened off twice in the past thinking I could live without. Not the case. I have to have my...
Susie I’m confused which doesn’t take much. If fentanyl is ok through Iv why wouldn’t it work using a patch? Good luck with your surgery....
I thought it hit me when they first told me but naw, when I saw her for the first time. Yep the love is indescribable. We had to camp out in hospital parking lot that day. No visitors allowed. It...
I looked up TOS and it sure sounds like it. My baby will be a month tomorrow. Gosh she’s beautiful....
Well we got our grandbaby a few weeks ago. She is beautiful and perfect. She is just what I needed this year although I have had two major panic attacks since her birth. One due to me thinking I was...
Thank you everyone. On another note. I had my first in office visit in 7 months at pain management. I was tired of every month tele visits. (Costly w/ins). Now we are back on track to every two...
It’s been a long rough week. My 15 yo dachshund seemed to have a stroke or seizure on Monday. He didn’t close his eyes to sleep after that. I held him up close for basically 24 hours a day to keep...
Thank you Susie. I have also been using Voltaren. My Orthopaedic surgeon prescribed it this time. It really works great. My mother used it for years before her passing. I have three doctor appts next...
Hi Susie, thank you for checking on me. I was actually thinking I haven’t posted lately and trying to put something together. Still having problems with left shoulder. It feels as bad as pre surgery....
I had something similar happen last month and spoke with my pain management doc this week. Last month i didn’t pick up my breakthrough med ( Percocet) until the following day so I could get with...
Hi, I had one since 2014. I just got through charging it for this week. (Pain in the you know what). I have to sit perfectly still for about 4 hours. Some people charge more than once a week. Depends...
Ok. I have an appt in the next two weeks with shoulder orthopedic. I will talk to him about it. I take 900 mg of Gabapentin a day now. I’m already dropping things. It’s just started though. Thanks...
Checking in cause it’s been awhile. I had injections in shoulder a couple weeks ago. It may have helped a little. Pain goes down my arm. Elbow and hand hurts pretty good. Last two fingers are very...
Thank you for the info on keeping the log. I did call a local attorney that was highly recommended. He use to be in senate so he knows a lot of people. Hopefully this will turn out good. I am going...
Will it change if I am staying on husbands insurance? Also is there a waiting period for Medicaid?...
Just checking back in. Had to get a steroid shot in left shoulder today. He wanted to do it in June. I just wasn’t in the mood. I know that’s crazy but I felt bad and didn’t want that pain. Today...
The functional capacity form. This may be something different than we discussed as I have read so much about preparing for this. This may have been one that was suggested to send in with paperwork....
I ask my PM doc about completing the form and she wouldn’t. She said to get with GP. I thought since she knows all about my pain and limitations she would have been best to complete. I guess since I...
I haven’t heard anymore from it. Still waiting for the first “denial”. Sad to say. They have piles of records to gather and go through though. On another note, I have wonderful news as I am getting...
Hi fellow sufferers, Hope you all are doing well. I had another pain management appt via phone last week. I like doing this from my porch swing but it’s really not the same. Funny, I have to go in to...
I have several frozen shoulders and had surgeries for all. I would definitely do the arthroscopic again. The closed shoulder manipulation didn’t do as well. I couldn’t do it for two years....