Could be the Humira, but could also be other things too. Check with your doctor and push him to do all possible blood tests relating to fatigue....
nancerini - I have been doing lots of research on LDN, so that will definitely be kept in mind. asc58 - Wow, that sounds horrible. So there ARE other people besides me getting crazy infections with...
I just did a Google search on this Modulen stuff and I'm suprised I've never heard of it before. When I was diagnosed the doctor had me drinking some stuff called "Boost" which looks to have similar...
MToronto2 - I've looked into the whole LDN thing but have been "afraid" to mention it to my doctor. Seems like he always tells me what he wants to hear. Sigh...What type of side effects did you have...
Some very well-put explanations in here. The general consensus is that jumping to the stronger medicines first will increase the chance of a quick remission and decrease the chance of continuing...
Pretty impressive product, sweetened with evaporated cane juice (just another name for good old sugar). I've never been a fan of protein powders sweetened artificially even with stevia extract, so...
I had an upper endo for some problems I was having swallowing food. Didn't remember a thing as I was put under general anastesia. The general anastesia should have you completely knocked out with no...
imissicecream - You're absolutely right that I should follow through with my gut instinct (lol, gut) and stop taking the Humira. The only thing stopping me is my fear of the unknown. When will the...
I do realise this is a very long post to read, so all of your input is greatly appreciated. I've been on Humira since February 2007, so that would be a little over three years. The first couple years...
I am 90% sure what you are describing is caused by the prednisone. Any corticosteroid used for even a short period of time can give you what is often referred to as "steroid acne". Doing a google...