Everyone here has been so helpful and full of knowledge. I have a post op appointment coming up in two weeks in Cleveland and they have scheduled a gastrografin enema for me to have done. I hate...
Hi, I also have to have this test done and wondered what the pain level is and they do insert this into the stoma, correct? I am four weeks out of surgery, complete removal and reversal in three...
thank you again. My area of narrowing is in the sygmoid colon. I so wish not to have a ostomy even for a short period of time, but if the doc has to I have no choice. He is going to try for the...
thank you so much for your help and advice. I just heard that the surgery is scheduled for the 15th of December and pre-op is the 13th. My heart is racing and I feel sick to my stomach. I only had my...
I saw Dr. Remzi Monday. I know he is very qualified and I have all my confidence in him, but I admit to being a wimp and scared out of my mind. He says there are no ifs, ands or buts about it, I need...
Hi grayeyedblone, Thank you for your message. I so appreciate knowing I have this support group. It means alot to me and so many others I am sure. I also wish you the best. thank you again....
I feel so lucky to find this website and so many wonderful helpful people with compassion and knowledge of what I have been through. I was diagnosed with CD/UC 8 years ago. Have been on Colazol,...