No, I do not have any heart or lung problems. Just had a check up and everything is okay, except for the shortness of breath. Recently, as you have told me, the breathing has gotten better. When I...
Fernando, I have the same after the Bell's Palsy was gone. The lower lip always twitched and the cheek. The eye always felt like it needed to be cleared or cleaned. The worse I have now is the out of...
Thank you JaSanne for your assurance. I am 67 yrs. old (male) and have been healthy and have never been on steroids before! The shortness of breath came after I was off of the Prednisone. Today seems...
I know your post is back in 2011, but I just got off of Prednisone 20mg for just 7 days. It has been 2 weeks and I am having severe shortness of breath just to go down and pick up my news paper. I...
4 weeks ago I developed Bell's Palsy and was put on Prednisone 20mg (7 days) and Valtrex (10 days). I have since been off of both for 2 weeks, but I have an issue with being out-of-breath for just...
Thank you for your comments and advise.......I did go to my doctor and it is gout in my index knuckle. It's even going away as i write this reply. Thank you!!...
Thank you for your advise and information. I will be going to my doctor as soon as possible, but my friends have said the same thing as you. They think it is gout since I had gout years ago in my big...
I am 65 and just realized I have a severe case of osteoarthritis of the index knuckle (right hand), very swollen and painful to bend. I have no idea of what to do about the swelling and pain. I do...