Bloody stool and abdominal pain for a couple weeks. Saw a GI, had a coloscopy, diagnosed with Crohns!...
Try to stay positive! Crohns has it's ups and downs thats for sure. Try to find something to take your mind off things like mentioned above. There is light at the end of the tunnel!...
Yeah it's always been bad for me too! It's oh so good though......
Moral of the story: Crohns sucks lol Do some research on Shakeology, it's helped me out...
Yeah thats a tough one. I personally didn't have any problems when tapering off of it, but it is a pretty strong drug so it's not surprising. Hope you feel better!...
Best of luck, keep your head up!...
Hadn't heard of this stuff, but I think I'll have to give it a try!...
Whenever I was flaring I would certainly have pain. I guess everyone is different! My problem when flaring was always that there was an obstruction, which would lead to pain. Maybe you're just having...
It certainly isn't easy, and I commend you for fighting like you are. You just have to try your best to keep positive. Try to find things to enjoy, to get your mind off of whats going on. No matter...