Thank you! I love the support of this forum. I am not on as much as I should be - life goes on but this is such a great place to find comfort and hope!!...
My son (now 28) has been on Remicade for over 10 years. He was diagnosed in high school (after hiding his symptoms from his dad and me for at least 2 years.). Initially he was very sick - had ileo -...
As always thank you for your collective wisdom. This site is so helpful to me. He will be staying on the remicade and I am going to advocate for him to stick with his iron infusions. They seem to...
My son (24) was dx with Crohn's when he was 18 and has undergone one surgery to remove his TI and several inches of his large intestine. He has been on remicade since the time of his dx and has...
My son got into see his GI next week so fingers crossed that it is a small "blip" and not anything too major! I will update after they meet!...
Thank you 73Monte. I think I wish for a total "cure" which I know cannot happen. And his symptoms are managed well (he is very diligent in caring for himself AND a great GI doctor!). I am eager to...
My son, age 23, has had ongoing blood loss for the last several years. He was dx with moderate to severe Crohn's at age 18 and soon after had surgery to remove his TI and about 6 inches of his large...
Good Evening, My son got his MRI results and they are "normal." YAY! I am waiting to hear about his RBC and HGB levels to see what the doctor may prescribe. He was initially told he might take iron...
Thank you to all of you! This forum is such a life saver. I reach out to my friends who are sympathetic but certainly don't understand the disease or how it impacts my son's life (mine too). It is a...
My son was dx with Crohn's 4.5 years ago at age 19 (surgery at 5 months with 5 inches removed at the terminal ileum). He has remicade treatments every 2 months, and is on azathioprine, folic acid and...
I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope you are able to find the best treatment option and be on the road to recovery soon!...
Thank you! This is very helpful and lessens my anxiety. His doctor is truly incredible and I feel so fortunate my son has him. Not only is he a skilled physician he somehow manages to win every fight...
My 23 year old son (dx three years ago) has been in remission for over 20 months ( Methotrexate, vitamin B -12, remicade every 8 weeks, probiotics and folic acid). Approximately four months ago his...
NCOT I loved your pictures. I have not been on the forum for a while so am just getting caught up with posts. It sounds like you are getting out a bit and that you are doing better overall! I am so...
Welcome to the Forum MB1123, I have a son who was diagnosed with severe Crohn's at 19 years of age (but probably had Crohn's for a few years prior but did not tell his dad or me about his symptoms)....
It is SOO VALUABLE To hear from people who are living it. SO many times I was desperate for answers or ideas and have always found support and compassion (and great insight) here! And thanks for...
Welcome FLgirl66! I don't have Crohn's but my son (21) does and he was dx right before his freshman year of college. He too went on a "wild ride" and his included C diff (along with obstruction and...
Hi NCOT, Glad you started the New Year with a caring friend. Sometimes we need to make a family outside of the one we were given. This article is a bit old but has some great points on toxic...
Thank you - this does. It can get very confusing for me but this is helpful!...
Thanks! I meant to say IBS - not IBD. I know that she is starting to watch her diet and a food journal would be a great idea! I understand the Crohn's well but this seems to be more vague or at least...
I am accustomed to Crohn's. My son has had it for several years and this forum has been very valuable to me as I try to learn all I can about this awful disease. I feel like I know quite a bit and...
Hi NCOT, Thanks for sharing your pictures and I love the coloring! I am a mental health professional and I cannot understand why you are not seeing a therapist / part of groups / doing a treatment...
I hope you are feeling better NCOT! I miss seeing you on the forum and sharing your wit and vast knowledge of Crohn's (and life in general). Remember to take care of yourself. YOU DO DESERVE it and I...
Rest well NCOT! You have faced so much with such bravery (not to mention wit). There are good supports available for you that can help even when things seem hopeless and pointless. Hugs to you!...
I am sorry to hear of your son's dx. My son was dx when he was 19 (freshman in college) but he had symptoms for over 2 years that he did not let me or his dad know about. He also has been categorized...
He is still on remicade along with a small dosage of methotrexate (1 time per week), folic acid,probiotic, Vitamin B12 and colistepol....
My son (21) started a vegan diet two months ago (very early I know) and so far feels wonderful. His GI doctor is in favor of it because the digestion of meat can impact Crohn's? I am a little...
I am so so sorry to hear about the death of your brother. I don't even know what to write except my heart goes out to you and your family and I am sending virtual hugs....
I know everyone's experience is different but my son's (age 18 at time of surgery and just a few months after dx )resection surgery literally gave him his life back. He was a freshman in college and...
Good for you to have a list of detailed questions and ideas of possible tests. My son had colonoscopies, an endoscopy, an MRE, CAT scan, tested for Celiac and Pylori and C- Diff (which he had three...
That is incredible. HALF his body weight and the GI basically said "not cancerous?" There are a lot of diseases between "fine and not cancerous." Keep searching for a competent GI. When my son (now...
My son, age 21, has gone vegan and claims he feels "better than ever." He had illeocecal surgery 18 months ago and has had C - diff two times along with a 5 day hospitalization for dehydration and a...
This is a lot of a child to take in! I don't have Crohn's but have aa child with Crohn's and on any day I would trade my intestines for his. As his mother I feel so helpless and after my son (now 21)...
My son was diagnosed at age 19 (2015) but had symptoms for over two years before he told his dad and me which would have put him at the age you are now. He was so overwhelmed and sad and was both...
My son had back to back to back bouts of C - Diff (HORRIBLE) and still had two remicade treatments AND illeocecal surgery with no issues. Anyone who entered his hospital room had to gown up for...
You are brave NCOT. You are so candid about what you are going through and despite all of that you are always posting great in depth insights for so many of us on this forum. I hope that Stelera...
My son had illeo cecal surgery last year and he had some scarring from the surgery (anastomotic fibrosis). He dreaded the thought of having to undergo more surgery to "clean it out" but was able to...
My son was diagnosed at age 19 (now 21) and I became a "super advocate" for him and did a lot of research, doctor interviews etc. I found all types of discrepancies and mis information but this site...
My son was dx two years ago (age 19 - close to your age) and was told it was "mild." But as NCOT stated it is hard to know what it really means "underneath." My son did not go on any steroids but was...
Remicade gave my son his life back. He has had no side effects and is in complete remission (after surgery and many tries with different medications including pentasa!)...
I agree and I applaud him being conscious of what he eats BUT I don't want him to go down the path of believing he can cure himself through diet only. I know there are many who say that diet alone...
Yes, best of luck and let us know how you are doing!!...
Thanks for your insights. He did watch "What the health" - I could not remember the title. I reviewed it and was appalled by what I read. His girlfriend is vegetarian and I think they may have...
My son (age 21) has a diagnosis of Crohn's (in the severe category). He was hospitalized with an obstruction, had C- Diff two times and had illeo cecal surgery - all within 6 months of diagnosis....
I think picking the right surgeon is key to everything but so hard to do. My son (21) was dx with Crohn's August 2015 and his disease advanced quickly with him needing illeocecal surgery within six...
That sounds like a good plan. Resting as well as you can despite pain. I imagine it is a constant trial and error to see what works best. My son is currently doing amazingly well (deep remission with...
I am so sorry to hear this NCOT. You seem to have so many Crohn's related health issues. I wish I had the right words to say or even better knew the right medications for this debilitating disease. I...
I am so sorry for all you are going through. My son (21) has Crohn's and it too has interrupted his life on many levels. But after a very bad year (two hospitalizations / illeocecal surgery / missing...
Sending very strong healing wishes your way. I hope that the medications / treatment can start making a difference!...
I hope I don't seem fraudulent posting on this topic since I don't have Crohn's but am the mother of a son (21) with severe Crohn's. So I am not speaking as a Crohnie but as a parent of one. This...