Of all herbal products wormwood seems to work the best for me. If I take bee propolis about one hour after I take wormwood capsules I seem to do even better. I take New Roots wormwood 270 mg capsules...
Not many posts of late....
If you get Paxlovid it leaves a tin taste in your mouth. Both my brothers got Covid, and Sars-1 back in 2001....
I've never eaten an olive in my life. I ate a piece of one when I was 3 or 4 years old and that was the last time....
I know one person from Milliken Mills, Ontario Canada but the population there is nearly 100 percent Punjab and Pakistani. I live one city north and just east of there. Where I live I'm in the 3...
Pentasa made me pee like 15 times a day. It did nothing for my for Crohn's if anything it made it worse. After I went off of it for good I still had to pee 15 times a day. Twenty years later in 2020...
Maybe eat Jell-O....
I got Crohn's disease through food poisoning back in April 1997 when I was 38 and a half years old. It looks like I'm one of the few who can say my intestines and bowel health and overall health was...
A second reply, I was diagnosed December 2005 for Crohn's and my two brothers were diagnosed for Colitis at the same age as me at age 38. All 3 of us were diagnosed at the same age 38. My sister is...
I was extremely lucky when I had surgery I got a world renown surgeon named Tom Anderson. This was way back May 27th 2013 at Centenary hospital in Scarborough, Ontario Canada. I was supposed to have...
Diagnosed December 2005 as I nearly died from the Crohn's. Acquired Crohn's disease April 1997. So it was about 17 and a half years ago I was diagnosed....
Since the cost is ten times less than Remicade or Humira it will likely become a first line drug for crohn's and colitis. Studies so far have shown its as effective as Remicade or Humira....
I wouldn't even know if I had Covid as the symptoms are a lot like that of Crohn's and I smoked for 30 years so I wouldn't attribute any shortness of breath to smoking....
Antibiotics actually heal abscesses but kill all the gut bacteria both bad and good. The problem is once you go off them you need to take probiotics to replace the good gut bacteria....
Good luck with your surgery, I read your posts on the Crohn's forum. I'm very rarely on this forum as I only have Crohn's but my two brothers have colitis albeit a very mild form. I also have a...
I've been doing well since my surgery May 27, 2013. I had active Crohn's for 16 years until the surgery after that I was OK and have been alright ever since. Small bowel resection they did a double...
I take wormwood capsules that put more acid in your stomach to keep the Crohn's at bay. Bacteria can't form when there's a lot of acid. I got Crohn's through food poisoning so wormwood is basically...
That happened to me and I nearly suffocated. After a resection in the hospital my iron levels kept on falling (I didn't know it at the time as no one checked my iron levels) and I could hardly...
I remember I had a resection and I woke up with an NG tube but they never told me. I thought I was going to suffocate and didn't know why? I was on an mechanical ventilator but didn't know it with an...
In Ontario, Canada you can get on the Trillium drug plan and not have an insurance plan. They take your income from the middle of the year to the middle of the next year. It helps to be poor. It...
I got a 4th booster shot about a month ago and never wear a mask in public. I grew up in southern Ontario and moved to Markham in 1982. Both my brothers had Sars1 and fibromyalgia compliments of the...
Ironically tomatoes are the best thing for me to eat for Crohn's especially spaghetti sauce....
1. Stress (worth mentioning most UC patients usually have their first flaire at a traumatic or high stress point in life) 2. Diet - This more towards processed foods and chemicals e.g. Emulsifiers 3....
I've just been taking herbal stuff since my resection back on May 2013. Was in perfect health until I got poisoned and nearly died back in April 1997 which led to Crohn's disease. Got diagnosed back...
Before I got the Crohn's in April 1997 I was in better shape than most Olympic athletes. Today the only difference is I can't stand on my feet for a long time whereas before I'd be at the racetrack...
AdBlocker Ultimate (a chrome extension) works well with Chrome....
Never had a headache on either. I wear glasses so I wouldn't even know what a real headache feels like. The last one I remember must have been over fifty years ago. If I ever feel a headache coming...
I live in Ontario, Canada and I'm 63 and a half years old. At 65 everything is free all but the dispensing fee as long as the drug is approved. I haven't been to the GI since 2014. When I hit 65 I'll...
I've lived in Markham since 1982 so I believe I'm immune to all this and never needed any vaccines in the first place. Both my brothers had Sars1 and fibromyalgia. I just had the Asian flu. Maybe...
Don't get positive stories very often on this forum. Where I live doctors and lawyers can't afford a house....
lobelia Special Precautions and Warnings It's LIKELY UNSAFE for anyone to take lobelia by mouth. But lobelia is especially dangerous for people with the following conditions: Pregnancy and...
Longevity runs in my family on both sides. I have aunts and uncles in their hundreds. The oldest is my uncle at 107. He only went to the doctor once in his life for a bad knee and got a knee...
Sounds promising for anyone who acquired Crohn's through food poisoning which is what happened to me....
Take RAD1-40 or RAD-150. These are swarms they help build a lot of muscle and will probably get rid of colitis. Take them for 2 months at a time and then go off them or a month. Try taking them for 6...
Used car prices didn't go up in Canada. There's just less used cars for sale. No one could afford car insurance before Covid-19 and Powell giving money to everyone who didn't need it and this is the...
Taking Pentasa used to louse my eyes up completely every time. They'd get sore, watery could only move my eyes slowly in the sockets. Taking aspirin itself didn't do anything to my eyes. It's very...
I also take bee propolis usually everyday and occasionally take Reishi mushrooms. I acquired Crohn's through food poisoning so consequently a l lot of the herbal stuff I take is something you'd take...
I've been busy betting the races online from Woodbine. My forte has always been maiden races and Covid-19 provided nothing but maiden races. Since the advent of the slot machine at the racetrack I've...
Boswellia, grapeseed extract and wormwood work well for IBD. Boswellia seems to work for both IBD and IBS. Zinc may help if you take it with these 3. Grapeseed extract is a very potent antibiotic....
I had a pain in the middle of my stomach after the second Moderna vaccine for about a week. Never in my entire life have I ever had a problem with my stomach. What worked for me was taking wormwood...
I always paid out of pocket. When I was on the Trillium drug plan I made too much money and still had to pay for 100 percent of the cost of prescription drugs. The last time I saw the GI was 2014...
Re: I'm in Ontario and all my biologics are covered, including Stelara by the pharmaceutical company. I haven't paid a cent. I'm unclear as to by you're waiting to see your GI until you become 65....
My brother who has colitis did really well when he was on sarms. Sometimes he take small amounts of RAD 140 or RAD 150 or YK-11. Don't take the creatine based ones....
Both spinach and sunflower seeds share one main thing. IRON I did great after my resection until I went off my iron pills. One of the symptoms of Crohn's can be anemia....
I'm from the Crohn's forum. I take garlic, bee propolis, reishi mushrooms and wormwood capsules. Sometimes I take an iron pill once a week. You need a prescription to get iron pills in Canada. I got...
Nicky, Wouldn't Stelera be covered by the Trillium health benefit?[/quote] True if your income is reasonably low unfortunately my income is sky high but I can't justify paying out of pocket for...
I live in Ontario, Canada and I'm waiting until I'm 65 to see the GI again. With GIC's paying nothing and the stock market ten times more overvalued than the summer of 1929 this is the only sensible...
Got my second Moderna shot February 10th. No side effects, I was perfectly fine after the second shot. We were under lockdown at the time....
"Slippery elm bark" in powdered form or capsules would probably help....
Nicky, Checking in on you.... How are you? Did you get your 2nd shot? My second shot is slated for February the 4th....