Thank you so much for the thoughts and support. They mean the world to me...
UPDATE:Hello all- thank for the encouragement and the help. You would not believe this but things are going great with my marriage. I have become much more assertive and have decided to seperate my...
If you want to read this her is a list of grievences for why she want to leave me. I find them to be a joke. am I wrong? 1. Her computer for school had a problem because she spilled water on it. I...
UPDATE I asked to talk to her about the situation before the therapy session. She told me she still has yet to decide if she want out or not. She told me the things that were bothering her. They were...
The problem is she is waiting to say it in front of the therapist. I think she is going to demand things. I mean why would she come home, sleep in our bed, remind me that we are going on vacation of...
I do want to know now. I do not know how she could be have like this and WANT a divorce. It may be a ploy. We have no kids we have been married for two years. it was my condo but i put her name on it....
I agree and I will. I am scared and I feel that my marriage is going to end, but if were to go on the way it was i would just be in misery. This has been a strange week. My wife left to decide if she...
the problem is i get ganged up on in there and she then has validation that she is being wronged by a "professional"...
well we are supposed to go on vacation on friday and that she has brought that up multiple times so as of now it seems like she is staying. But is this a ploy? is the threat and making me sit here...
UPDATE: Whie she was gone i sent her an email and told her how much she meant to me and what i would do to change. My terapist and aunt read it and were very touched by it. I pciked her up for the...
I now realize that i have to stand up for myself and my personal wellbeing in this marriage. I have blamed and punished myself and have been depressed over actions i did or did not do, Some of these...
I have know idea how to explain this to my wife. She of course thinks she is great....
I also talked to another therapist and my aunt who does marriage and individual therapy. they all said without me prompting them that there is no marriage where one side has absolutly no blame ever....
they are definetly not taped. she has been there since 1994. she has a PHD and a LMFT. She specializes in treating divorced and remarried individuals, couples and families. I think my efforts will...
My wife loves her so i have not been able to express this. She is still very hurt over the whole thing and would blow up or view it as me trying to undermind her because she always agrees with my...
She is in a private practice affilated with a school. I can check on her background but i am sure that she has all the proper degrees and training....
oh and no we each have our own therapists for our selves...
Thank you all so much. This update rehashed a little bit with the therapist. Update: Before she left we spent two of her last three nights together, she had plans with her friends to see her new...
Update: I wrote a very heartfelt email about changes i wish to make in my life and how much i love her. One of the promises was to stand up for myself. Unfortunatly, the person i really have to...
Growing up, my parents were not perfect, but who is. They never abused me, they always supported me and loved me. They were always my biggest fans even when i did not believe in my self they did. So...
i will run it by her. I do not know if she would be up for it but she did want to talk to the couples therapist on the phone and never did. She thinks some of the advise she has given us is a bit off....
You can do that? I am very afraid that my wife would take that as a negative sign because she loves her. Of course she loves her she agrees with everything she says. I understand and take...
I have told my therapist about her and she seems to be disgusted with what happens in therapy. She says i should be more vocal and stand up for myself. I would in a second but i am afraid that it...
thank you very insightful. I do not bring it up when we fight. it starts the fights. There was a brief period where we went out to dinner with my parents a couple times and she actualy once said to...
Thank you so much for your reply. I never tell her she is being overly sensitive or parnoid. I do not know if that is wrong or right because she has gone overboard over many things and i really am...
Thank you for your kind words. It means the world to me. THis last incident all revolved around my attempt to stand up for my wife and I. I have talked to her about these things and the first time i...
UPDATE. Unfortunately, because of these events she has gone to her parents house for a week and is decide whether she wants a divorce....
I am married man in his early 30s who suffers from depression, anxiety, ADHD, and social anxiety. I have been going through an excruciating time as of late. It all started when I was getting married...