And therein lies part of the problem... Agmaar - WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST I DO? Actually, I could read this thread and think of each of you as the changing moods that "I" go through - each of you a...
Mrsppmrxky - thanks for the feedback.Sorry if I'm repeating myself - a lot going on in my head.We are already separated, but to this point the intention was to get back together. But our separation...
Thank you all very much. I think I know what I need to do, its just going to be difficult. I need to make it clear to her that she needs to come home and be a mother and a wife. She knows what these...
Princess - I am not planning to give up, but I do need to get tougher. Right now the first thing that I would ask of her would be to set up an appointment with her current Psychiatrist that I could...
The thought of raising my daughters alone isn't that scary to me. Just reading some of the other subject lines here, its clear that there are many people with problems much, much worse than hers....
How do you address goal setting or boundaries with someone who doesn't wish to do certain things and has a disability like Fibro and CFS for an excuse? I know depression is a factor - but she won't...
Princess - I know not all women are like this; SHE wasn't like this for the first 14.5 years, including her first year with fibro; She was diagnosed as Bi-Polar II years ago, but then later changed...
Tired – we’ve done depression before – both of us; part of her defense is that she’s already on depression medications and is seeing a psych; I just don’t know how honest she is with him; modifying...
Just bumped a thread that I started last October for further reference. Thx....
Bumping my own post from last October - before we separated - back when she was in the middle of two Emotional Affairs. Reading this, it seems like we've made no progress, or perhaps even moved...
And just to clarify, I have no evidence to believe that there have been physical affairs. Fibro has of course been a major hit to her self esteem - hence the appeal of doing things online. I know she...
Thank you both.She agrees that she is depressed and is "acting out", but seems unable to stop.When she qualified for disability, the depression was heavy, so I fully supported the idea that she...
I need some help and advice. Background: Married 15 years, two young girls (10 and 7) Wife got a nursing degree 2.5 years ago, but was diagnosed with Fibro and CFS in April, 2008. She qualified for...
Yes - would totally agree that the laptop and TV take no time or energy. BUT - 2 weeks ago she went out with a friend - left the house around 10 and didn't get back until around 4 am after breakfast....
What does "totally disabled" mean in relation to fibro? Sounds like most people here find a way to cope with things and function at some basic level most days. Therapy sessions when the wife hasn't...
We've got the dog and a BEAUTIFUL neighborhood to walk in. The only time she does so is when she steps outside to meet the kids at the bus stop after school. I'm not really even sure she's doing that...
nomadicmom - Thanks for the reply. We have been in marriage therapy for a couple of months, but I don't feel like she's taking it seriously. This started when she got her iphone - something she was...
Been reading as I'm waiting for a reply. Seems like the general consensus is that she really should be moving more - trying to stay active - moderate exercise - everything the doctors have already...
Hello. First post. My wife started suffering from fibro and CFS about 18 months ago. The main thing I'm struggling with is her lack of activity. It seems she has the energy to do things that she...