Thanks all who posted everything here and giving me very good info about our issues. Summer ("Summer Rayne" is her birth name..yes, great name) definitely won't go without the love she needs should...
Thanks all for the responses...all are very helpful and make me feel better about not having to worry about Summer (our Granddaughter) being taken away from us. My role in the raising Summer is that...
Angi1953...thank you for letting me know another (and I believe the correct)reason she doesn't want to go to the ER and I kinda think you hit it right on the head. It took me over a month to get her...
I just posted a topic on how to deal with leg pain for my wife who is Hep C positive and got some great responses and help from the forum members. I now have a question which may be out of the scope...
Thanks to everyone for your input and help about the "issue" with my wife..I now know that pretty much any drug, OTC or prescription, are not good for her liver. She's a stubourn woman but with all...
A. Ziffle...I thank you for anything you can tell me about this...I'm so confused and need some direction. Her taking so much Aleve now, after taking absolutely nothing for many years, worries me a...
Please understand that I've wanted her to go to the emergency room from the time her leg started hurting but she's very much against going. The $$$ is not the issue with the emergency
Yes, my wife is the sole caretaker of our Austic granddaughter (5 YO) so it's important for her to be as healthy as she can be. My wife has Hep C, arthritus and other things that comes with age and...
We have absolutely no $$$ to see a doctor or go to the emergency room, nor will we anytime in the forseeble future.... I myself am disabled due to a neck surgery that was rquired to "fuse " 2 disks...
Thank you....I'm at a loss about this but very concerned. Thanks to you and all who might give me some info in the future...I definately don't want to lose her by her taking something as simple as a...
My wife was diagnosed with Hep C seven years ago and has had no problems since then. Because of the Hep C she refused to take any drugs at all, including any over the counter drugs such as Aleve,...