Hi Chris. I haven't checked in so sorry for the delayed reply. You wife's symptoms sound similar to my son's (he turned 18 earlier this month). He was tested for everything you can be tested for at...
Thanks for the info AIHer. I thought it was more like a 50% chance of having more than one autoimmune disease. And I hear you on the tattoo- I do want him to do what makes him happy! That's kinda...
MH5589 - 6-MP is an immunosuppressive drug. I don't know for sure - but I want to say I read somewhere that the liver turns Imuran into what 6-MP is. Don't quote me on that though. Nick had a little...
MH5589- Nick started the Prednisone in September at 60 mg per day and has been weaned off slowly. Well- what I think is slowly anyway. I have read that some people stay on it for up to 3 years. His...
MH5589 - His bilirubin is just slightly out of range. The direct bili at the lab we use is less than 0.2 is normal and two weeks ago his was 0.3. Other than that his liver & metabolic panels are...
To MH5589 I just re-read your post and noticed you mentioned stomach ulcers. The team in Miami warned us if these while on the steroid. They had my son take 40 mg of omeprazole (antacid medication)...
Thank you to MamaLama & Barrylink for the replies. A lot of good information in the link you provided Barrylink! Thanks for that!!! MH5589- I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through. My...
It's official. He has AIH. Doc says he will be on the 6-MP for the rest of his life probably. She is a peds doc and said they don't take patients off to have a "flare up" and cause more damage. She...
My 16 year old son was admitted to the hospital 02/02/15 after a trip to the emergency room. He was jaundice and had vomited a few times the weekend before. He was also fatigued a couple of weeks...