Thanks guys. And to Etechmaster. I know that there are people who are worse off than me and there are worse things out there. But one thing with me is that my health has taken a huge battering the...
So do i. Im kinda over it tbh and i just cant seem to catch a break...
Hey all. Well i saw the doc yesterday avo and he took some swabs and imhave tomgive a speciman. He said that it could be due to my high CRP ie some inflammation or it could be an infection. He...
That would be paradax (dabigatron sp) and they are a light brown reddish colour. But i have been on the thinnera for a while now but could that be causing problems? I have a docs appt tomorrow...
Hi kazbern Ive recently been diagonised with having A.F along with other problems...
Hey soystud. Im sorry. I just dont know whats going withy body at the moment. I just want to travel back in time to when i had no health issues at all. Its just really getting me down. So we are all...
Sherry thank you so much for just helping me and giving me advice. Im just so down over this and of course my mind starts going all over the show with worst case things and i work myself up and...
Thank you sherry. Its just started along with everything else. I just get over some major heart issues then this happens Wish we had a mayo clinic here - they sound good...
Thanks sherry. Sorry for all of this but im worried and just scared as im normally a healthy guy then this happems..........
Gee thanks. Here i am feeling like crap and ask for advice and I get a link for my signature? Great. Oh by the way, nothing is working. I get home and there is small stains on the inside on my boxer...
What on earth is one of those? I forgot to say that im a 40yr old male if that makes any difference......
Thanks Sherry but im not sure if these products are available here (New Zealand)...
Thank you for your advice but I have never hears of those pads. I don't think they are available here....
Hi all Does anyone have the same issue that i am experiencing? I get up in the morning, have my normal motion, breakfast but then approx an hour later, i have to wipe as there it still feels like i...