I was not sure where to post this but I was wondering if the moderators are able to start new for here for health conditions. I think Mold would be a good topic to add. It seem to go hand in hand...
After years of daily diarrhea I have finally found something that helps. Cholestyramine powder. for some people it is nasty, but i am used it and cant go a day without it. if you ever decide to try...
I have had diarrhea daily for a couple years or more. I have crohns and do not take any medications for it. a couple months ago I heard a commercial on the radio about something called EPI. it stands...
I dont live in florida anymore, but if you feel like driving to clearwater there is a place called lifeworks wellness center. I follow them on facebook and they talk a lot about lyme...
I know I see a lot of people post from time to time what type of cream or ointment works best for pain/irritation after wiping. I myself have asked that. For the past couple years I have been using...
So I took some metamucil powder yesterday and had terrible cramping/gas all night. Maybe I took to much. I took maybe a teaspoon twice during the day and had one of the worst nights in years. I cant...
I had no idea. I really done want to have to see a psychiatrist just for this. It might cost a small fortune. I will figure something else....
I have what I guess would be described as mild anxiety. It is more situational than anything and it helps me sleep when I am stressed. about a year ago I got a prescription for 20 xanex. I break them...
I keep thinking that I have to have probiotics. I have tried all the major brands, but I am starting to think that the probiotics make me worse. I seem to get more cramping and gas while using them....
Do not rule out kidney stones. I just went through this. I have had them before but this time it started by hitting me in the testicles and then to the ER. The scariest part was not knowing what was...
Has anyone else here gotten reoccurring kidney stones and at some point did you ever figure out a way to stop them?...
Lately I have been using my sauna every day. I take some activated charcoal about 30 minutes before I go in....
I have a 2 person wooden sunlighten sauna. Lately I have been using it every day and love the sweat I get in there, but they are expensive and take quite a while to get to a temperature that I can...
sebreg, thanks for those links...
I noticed a few posts here in reference to air hunger. of all the symptoms I have, that one never goes away and I have had it for over 30 years. does anyone know what causes it and found anything...
I have my own sauna at home. A full size cedar one that I love. I use it a few times a week. get it up to about 130 degrees for half an hour and just sweat. I cant say I feel any better from it, but...
is it possible to just have mild lyme. I have and have always had most of the symptoms on and off but never to the point that I cannot function. I am wondering if ones lyme can just coexist with them...
I believe I have had lyme most of my life (60 years). I have never had an official diagnosis although a while back I had an igenex test that showed something. I contacted envita it is is $450 just to...
ok, thanks...
I have not. I was not sure what the rules are. I was hoping someone might have already seen this besides you and have some suggestions. if not, I am still working on it on my own...
not that I see. the closest is this place in scottsdale called Evita that is a big place from what I hear specializing in lyme but very expensive...
there are no lyme docs in the tucson area where I am so does anyone know of docs that might do phone consulting based on my test results...
Thanks. I appreciate it. Not sure what I am going to do now...
so most likely 8 years later since I did no treatment and feel like crap all the time I probably still have it? I guess I will look into getting tested again....
so that means from this test in 2010 I might have had lyme?...
actually that did not come out exactly how I had typed it in. the 41++ should be under the IGG...
Girlie, see if this helps. There were other pages regarding other tests, but if you are just looking for the bands stuff this is what I see. For IGM for IGG 23-25 ++ 18 ++ 31 IND 31 IND 41 IND 39 IND...
thanks. that sounds to complicated...
I dont see a place here where I can upload my old igenex test results from 2010. I have it in pdf format and it is several pages. steve...
Girlie, thanks. I will try to do that in the morning...
Any thoughts on what the best test for lyme and the main coinfections these days? I have an old igenex test from 2010 but do not understand how to interpret the results. i dont know if there are any...
I did not read this whole thread, but I have started taking melatonin from a company called Patch MD. all their supplements are in patch form so they bypass your stomach. I am trying a few of their...
I have just started taking Enteregam, mainly for my diarrhea, bloating, etc. I have seen some sporatic posts about this medication. It is rather new. It is considered a food grade prescription. It is...
Do not settle on phoenix. There are only about 6 million people there. Traffic is out of control there. I live in tucson. same climate, just not quite as hot but a much less stressful area to be in....
Can someone here help me read igenex lab results. I am 58 and believe I have had lyme all my life. I am originally from a town not far from lyme, but no one knew about it back then. I had these tests...
Not sure if there are any other posts about this. I have nothing to do with the company. I found them because I take so many vitamins I was thinking the vitamins screw up my stomach even more. On top...
I also get the burning and have tried many products. By far the best is something I found on amazon called MA YING LONG Hemorrhoid ointment. It has a cooling menthol effect that lasts for hours. They...
I just joined this forum and wanted to let everyone know what I try for the burn. I have tried just about everything, every cream I could find in the stores, lidocane, hemorroid creams, etc. The one...