Thank you so much CG, will do!...
I am having alot of dental problems. In reviewing past threads, I noticed that you mentioned a lyme dentist in Dutchess County. Could you kindly email me the contact info? If there are other lyme...
Hi Alfers, Curious, what is Dr. Magaziner's speciality? Thanks in advance!...
Great article Kitty. I don't recall the specifics, but Dr. S in MD uses HLA genotype to determine susceptibility to illness including lyme. Wonder if this CA group is using his work? BTW, how are...
Sulma or anyone, do you have to take probiotics when doing the garlic? In other words, does the garlic kill off the good bugs too? Thanks....
Kitty, you can reach me at That would be wonderful and we can chat further. Looking forward to it!...
Kitty, thanks so much for sharing. I hope you get to the light asap! You are very lucky that after 14 years you don't have alot of neuro issues. My TGF is 5x above the normal top end, but I'm...
Kitty, you have verrrry interesting posts. Is the benicar to reduce the TGF beta 1 levels? How's it working out for you? Thank you very much for your time....
p.s. Kitty, just noticed you posted your treatment! Thanks....
Kitty: This is the first time I have heard of a llmd testing for TGF beta 1 in connection w/lyme. There is an article indicating that this is high initially in nonchronic lyme patients and may act as...