Stephen Buhner talks in his book about Lyme co-infections about these various infections creating "inflammation cascades". The inflammation from one infection makes it easier for other infections to...
Oh, and the other thing that can cause such an endless headache is dental infection. I have a mycoplasma type the the dentists know nothing about it and can't seem to see it on Xrays. Mine's in the...
I feel for you. Has anyone talked about jammed atlas and occipital condyles? See If you have not been to a craniosacral...
Well, I was one of the people who figured out that gluten was a problem from doing the low carb diet. Later I looked in all the big Low Carb books and the word "gluten" was not in a single index. I...
What kinds of raw foods mess you up? And are there some that you get along fine with? For example, ripe bananas are about he most innocuous food I can think of. Unripe, I heard of someone with a...
The FODMAP lists are VERY interesting, but I would also suggest that you try only organic raw foods, and even more so that you try to avoid even organic sprays. (I say that because spinosads tear my...
Oh wow, I had to join a Lyme group to find other people with broccoli trouble! I have pinned it down to Spinosads in my case as I only buy organic, and spinsads are organic approved and natural....
SToooo: Some 15-20 years ago we were invited to a party and I drank some wine, my vision turned into a whole bunch of flashing lights and I couldn't see for about 2 minutes. I tend to avoid wine ever...
Look at trigger point patterns for SCM muscle - sternocleidomastoid. What the organisms do may affect muscle tension and set off a SCM that runs hot but doesn't normally bother you. Happens to lots...
I've always had problems with chemicals, but it's gotten much worse since I caught Lyme over a year ago. I discovered that I'd already had Bartonella and a Mycoplasma for decades, but adding Lyme to...