When I lived in Chicago, the closest REAL LLMD I found was Dr. W in Milwaukee. He has a website up as well. PM if you want his full name. Good luck!...
Scorpio, I have Empire too and I'm in the process of getting IV. Can you email me so we can talk? I would email you, but you don't have an email address listed. Thanks!...
Sick of Lyme, You have to do what you feel is right, but remember as each of us tries various costly treatments, different protocols, and new doctors, we can contribute to our lyme community with our...
I'd like a copy as well please!...
pjbat, How long has your disability company been paying out? I ask because I have heard many stories that they typically start the surveillance at certain periods (6 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc). I...
So what is the easy way to find out if you are allergic to an ABX before taking it? I ask because I found out the hard way with Ceftin and honestly having an allergic reaction on top of lyme makes a...
Hi all, I always hoped it wouldn't come to this, but I think its time to discuss IV ABX with my LLMD. I am alergic to Ceftin, so Rocephin is out and when I tried oral doxy for as long as my GI tract...
I second this!!! Razzle has been AMAZING with help and information. Thank you Razzle!!...
Hi GL, I wish I knew of one myself. I work with two well connected LLMD in the area and neither of them know of a GI doctor that is knowledgeable about Lyme. If you happen to find one, please be sure...
I have this but it feels more like the area between my skin and my colon/muscles. Here are some interesting articles I found on Pubmed. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7997746...
Shadowmom, Hang in there...your sister too! I just want to point out a few positive things: 1. Your sister is now down to 3 symptoms from 40. That is tremendous!!!! I know you say she is worse then...
Shadowmom, Do you and your sister both use the herbal remedies that Dr. C prescribes? I'm not much for this type of treatment, but I left her office feeling like she had a command of this type of...
Thanks for the info everyone. I had my first appointment and honestly, I was told about her "rough" attitude by another doctor. My first appointment went differently then what I was told and what is...
Sorry about that. Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7otcmsn0Vts&NR=1...
Have you called the doctor prescribing the supplements? If this was happening to me, I'd go see a doctor to be safe, assumming your son isn't passing normal amounts of urine a day. You may also want...
This is an old video I found on Youtube, but it is detailed and complete. Check it out... http://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=1396104&r=r ...
Thanks Dowa...I will try that tomorrow. Now I'm depressed because I googled some results that indicated the scan was between $1000 to $1500....
Hi everyone, My Dr wants me to get a SPECT scan but my insurance company says its not covered. Has anyone had to pay out of pocket for their SPECT scan, and if so, how much was it. Thanks!...
I'm assumming the moderators here donate most of their time for this website, or this part atleast, but that is an excellent idea. It would be great to be able to jump into a section dedicated for...
I rotate from one side of buttocks to the other, then from one leg to the other. I see Dr. S in NJ....
I am starting my 9th week on Bicillin. Honestly, I had more improvement on 40 days of oral ceftin then all 9 weeks of bicillin. I have felt bad on bicillin and haven't had a single day of feeling...
Thanks Gracie's Mom. I checked into it and everything I read indicated that rhubarb was for short term use only. I have constipation constantly, so I'm not sure it I could keep using it after a week...
Hi everyone, I placed my name on her waiting list about 4 months ago and finally received a call. I have read and been told that she is very very good at being a LLMD. The flip side of that is she is...
My previous Lyme doctor prescribed this. I filled the prescript ion, but moved and the new doctor has me on a different routine. If you look this stuff up, it seems like it should be everything and...
Am I the only one who can't stand this any more?? Sometimes I become depressed just by the fact that I have to constantly prepare and have special food ready all the time. I've been a health nut all...
Hey Sulma, I'm confused. So the garlic helped with LD insomnia and GI ailments but not Bb (lyme)? I'm just trying to get a handle on the use of garlic as I am considering starting a fresh garlic...
OK! Now we just have to hit the lottery! : 0...
This was a interesting thread to read. Having someone is actually a double edged sword. Even at their best (they love you and care for you completely (my wife!)) you are always going to have hard...
Thanks Dowa! I've used these sites in the past as well: http://privatemdlabs.com/ - 15% off if you take a quick survey and they have a really good list of many labs with prices www.directlabs.com -...
Thanks Sulma, SO I guess the freeze dried caps are easier to take? What brand do you recommend. Thanks again!...
Suma, From where are you basing your recommendation of fresh garlic intake? Just curious as I was going to start fresh garlic as well....
I'm kind of up in the air for this. HH seems like a good choice for treating Bartonella based on the reseach I have done. That being said, I keep reading that the Bartonella specific ABX are...
Beth, When you discuss the shots with your doctor, and if you plan getting them in your legs at any time (I rotate from buttocks to leg) then you may want to ask the doctor to prescribe a smaller...
SickinCT, I have the same type of marks. The thing is, I have worked out with weights all my life. Personally, I also thought they were stretch marks, but two LLMD both felt they were 100%...
Hey Kendall, I've decided to stick with the bicillin for now. If I don't see any results after 4 months (per Derek's advice,) then I'm going to request for IV rocephin. The truth of the matter is,...
Thanks Dennis!...
Dennis, How did you know you needed Dr. Jernigan's yeast ease? Also, did you see real benefit from his nuero/CNS formula??...
djf, Thanks for the input. I agree the best route for Rocephin is IV, but I think you are underselling it's ability to help. From all the research I read Rocephin has helped plenty of lyme patients....
Kendell, Google IM Rocephin...there are plenty of pharma sites with it listed. I'm thinking maybe a possible treatment could be IM rocephin every other day with ceftin or another ABX on the other...
Alfers..yes I started to see Dr. F. Why do you ask? Now you have me curious. IM Rocephin only has a half life of about 10 hours, so one would probably need a shot every day, which kind of makes IV a...
I saw a new LLMD today and he recommended rocephin IM shots over the bicillin, telling me that the penicillin (bicillin) doesn't work as well as the family of drugs to which rocephin belongs. I have...
I've been on bicillin for 5 weeks and just started diflucan, so I'd be interested in the response as well....
Fishfartus, Can you email me the contact info for the person in PA that sells the Doug Coil? Thank you so much! My email address is dleona53@verizon.net ...
I'm very curious on this topic as well. I plan to ask my LLMD about it this week when I see him. I lost the link, but I found a person's personal lyme website where he described his experience with...
To a degree, I researched this topic. Various antibiotics can be given as shots, but due to their half life, they would need to be given every day. Because of that, most of these are made for IV use...
Sorry Dowa, Here it is: www.thehumansideoflyme.net (Sorry!) I did have my ADH tested and it was abnormally low. Not enough to be considered a serious medical condition, but abnormal enough that the...
Hey Dowa! As you know, I have this pretty bad too. I was reading Dr. Sherr's website ( www.thehumansideofllyme ) and one of her articles says its very common for lyme patients to have low ADH, which...
Hey Bella, I get this in my legs, pelvic area and across my shoulder blades. Very common for me and I've been tested for what seems EVERYTHING...lyme is the only thing for which I tested positive....
Hey Dowa!! That is great info and it makes alot of sense. I'm getting them once a week. Thanks!!!!! No, super THANKS! /community/emoticons/turn.gif ...
I had a nurse over this week for the first time to give me an ABX IM shot and was discussing my treatment. I told her if this didn't work I was headed for IV treatment. She told me about an option...