Has anyone had this procedure? I have one scheduled for 10/29 so please let me know what to expect..... /community/emoticons/smhair.gif Is this test more definitive for Lyme than blood test? I was...
that sucks...his SC office is only an hour and a half from me and i have been trying to get through by phone to make an appt....
georgia...so sorry but computer had a crash recently and i just realized I lost alot of data...but i do remember where i got the info on those docs...info@turnthecorner.org...
sure georgia...it'll be later tonite though - going to work and have to find the info on my home computer...
Hey +Lyme... I haven't been on for awhile so I just saw your post. Yep...I already knew it was in NC...that's where I am!! LOL I was diagnosed this past August and I have run into 3 others here in...
Can anyone tell me how to look up Dr J's "at home" tx? Is this Dr J in SC?...
GeorgiaGirl; I haven't been 'on' in awhile so I just saw your post. I was diagnosed with Lyme this past August and have been researching NC and SC LLMD's. There is one located in Asheville and in...
I got a regular seasonal flu shot today, but I am too scared of the swine flu shot....
Thanks so much to everyone for all the input. Even if this is not related to the Lyme, I have to explore all possibilities to ensure another episode like this does not occur again. It was very scary....
i am really confused and frustrated. as of this afternoon, all tests and levels are supposedly normal - thyroid, lupus, rhuematoid, blood sugar, liver, normal MRI, and despite first positive test for...
no i did not have the 5 hour test, but will definately ask about this...i have had a few 'incidents' kind of similar since 1991, but never completely blacked out with no memory until now...sugar...
blood sugar tests have shown normal levels.....more on other results in a few - my 5 year old is calling...lol...
Thanks Cajungirl and Traveler for your responses. Cajungirl I know you will keep us posted on your treatment and progress...so exciting to hear you like the doctor and may finally begin to feel...
so glad to hear all went well. I know you will keep us posted... question for you though...have you ever had incidents of 'blacking' out? Saturday I blacked out/passed out suddenly. I don't remember...
I did not appreciate his remark either Ranger....
Has anyone else had incidents of 'blacking' out? Saturday I blacked out/passed out suddenly. I don't remember anything that happened. I was told by girlfriends I 'disappeared' from our group without...
yes...probably more than one...LOL sometimes it helps - sometimes it doesn't....
Thanks for all the replies. I will keep you all posted when I get the next set of results back hopefully by 9/8/9. I am trying to get in with an LLMD....
Thanks so much to all for replies...I really appreciate your input. Here are the results from test GP sent to Lab Corp. IgG P93,P66,P58,P45, - absent IgGP41 - present IgG P39,P30,P28,P23,P18 - absent...
That is really ridiculous Really. I am sorry to hear that. It 'echos' so many stories I have heard since I began researching Lyme in July of this year. Like I said, I had an 'idea' of the stuff I was...
I am trying to get one now battler....the closest one is over one hour away - no openings till January. The one that's 3 hours away has an opening October 21....
Obviously not..and I did have an idea of that going in but I tried to be objective myself....no need. I will be very anxious to hear of their results and recommendations. They may or may not be...
Lyme diagnosis 8/7/9 by general physician - LabCorp results positive for Lyme. Referred to Infectious Disease, Concord NC 9/2/9 - Dr. F and his RN were both definately not objective in my opinion. In...
I got bitten 8/2008 - 8/4/9 reg physician put me on 30 days doxy pending referral to infectious disease doc 9/2/9. I don't feel better at all - some symptoms worse. I also believe I need to be on...
North Carolina now - home state South Carolina..lived in both several times -mostly SC but got my tick bite in NC July/August 2008....
I am also thinking NO on the shot....
what the heck is Ozone therapy?...
The ID run around is what I feel is coming, so yes I am looking too. The 'nurse' I talked to even patronized me, and I felt she stereotyped me immediately for some self diagnosed hypochondriac. she...
Thanks Cajungirl...sorry I did not know protocol as a newbie...:( I did watch the Under Our Skin video and I have found some reviews (good and bad) on Dr J. I am trying to educate myself as you all...
i have spoken to a woman locally that says she has Lymes and is being treated by Dr. J..even though he lost his NC license. She goes to see him from here to Fort Mill SC. very expensive not covered...
wow..good luck with the malpractice suit. would the one in SC happen to be Dr. J? Do you know?...
Thanks to RD and Stunned for the quick responses. I am pretty 'stunned' as well with this diagnosis even though I pretty much diagnosed myself and went to regular physician. I asked for Lyme test...
/community/emoticons/smhair.gif I was just diagnosed 8/7/9. Got the tick bite appx 1 year ago. Just started 100 mg doxy twice daily 8/4/9. Since it's been one year undiagnosed, does anyone think the...