Hi there, I have been seeing a fabulous LLMD in your area. Please enable email so that I may pass on the name and contact info. :O) Momtomonsters...
I have used L-Theanine plus Gaba. I belive it leveled me out really well without being sedating. Momtomonsters...
When my son was infected, he had what we thought was a mosquito bite, a bad one. I took him to his pediatrician because he managed to break his finger on our fishing trip and went ahead and showed...
Hi there. I had both knees replaced in the last year. Arthritis from lyme took them over. I was not able to take ibuprophen but was given tramadol to take for months pre-surgery and stronger pain...
It is an anti-depressant and has been around a long time. It is amazing at preventing migraines. Just a word of caution....take it at night. For many people, it knocks them out!!!! If this happens,...
i can recommend...email me. szaboleen@charter.net Momtomonsters...
My son took mepron for 4 months. Yes, we paid through the nose, but he is off now and doing amazingly well. You can go to the manufacturer's site and request a discount or free medication request....
He has Lyme and Babesia. Became very ill 2 weeks after mosquito bite. Never have seen a tick, I guess anything is possible though. Momtomonsters...
My son has been on Mepron for 3 months. He takes 1 tsp twice daily. He was bitten by a mosquito....not a tick. Momtomonsters...
My son and I use the above mentioned LLMD in Redwood City and his PA. Couldn't be more pleased with care. Feel free to email with questions. Momtomonsters Szaboleen@charter.net ...
I took plaquenil for 2 years. I had no side effects at all. 6 months after being off of it, I had my eyes checked again(main concern of LLMD) and there is NO evidence of harm. Was a good medication...
Does anyone experience nausea? My son is having a really tough time with nausea. He is supposed to start A-Bab but can't get it down. Any good remedies out there. He does keep pepppermint hard candy...
THanks for the instructions. He mixed it in hershey's syrup this morning. I will give him this info. Momtomonsters...
Hi all. My 18 year old son has lyme as well as Bart and Babesiosis. He is currently taking Septra, Doryx and Alinia. LLMD has just given him A-Bab to take. Could someone answer a few questions? How...
I have osteoarthritis in both knees and I am 43. I have tried all injections and even had both knees scoped to clean them out. Doctor found that the right knee was bone on bone. The pain I...
Hi there! I cannot help with doctor info in that area but I do have experience with Anthem. My LLMD does not do insurance either, but I submitted my bills to Anthem and they paid them as out of...
I have been on plaquenil since January with no ill effects. It is recommended that you get your vision check regularly though. I was on this and zithromax for 6 months. I have since changed...
My son was prescribed Mepron in July. He had a hard time with it. It caused him much fatigue. He is currently taking a break from it and we find he has more energy and he appetite has returned. I...
LLMD Dr. H in Redwood City has a Malibu office. Might work for you. Momtomonsters...
Writer Girl, My son had similar symptoms. Very flu like. He would sneeze and cough up a storm. Daily fevers and body aches. He would feel that he was too weak to lift his arms. Shortness of breath...
I see Dr. H in that area. They do not take insurance but insurance has reimbursed me. I think they are quite reasonable. Momtomonsters...
Has anyone tried Crypto Plus? LLMD wants me to add it to my treatment. Wondering if anyone has had success or bad side effects from it ;) Thanks for any input. Momtomonsters...
This is my combo as well but also take plaquenil and tindamax. I had Herx days when starting the omnisef but didn't last long. Momtomonsters...
Hi Lynn. I see a LLMD in Redwood City, just outside of San Fran. I actually see his nurse practitioner. My son and I have received wonderful care. Don't know if I am allowed to post names so look up...
What about medicine? Mobic works for me though I have to take it after a meal. Have to take a pill 20 minutes before the meal as mobic is a heavy-duty asprin script medicine. I am currently taking...
Good morning. I was diagnosed with lyme disease June 09. I am receiving treatment and feel back to normal except for my knees. I have severe pain in the inside part of both knees. I have tried...
I was diagnosed via western blot on June 22, 2009. I have been on antibiotics and such since then. The only symptom I have left is severe osteoarthritis in both knees. The pain is unmanageable at...
I have also had a torn rotator cuff caused by a breakdown in the tendon by the lyme....
[tr ][td class=msgThread2 height="100%" vAlign=top]Momtomonsters - So glad to hear most of your symptoms are gone. If you dont mind, what kind of treatment did you get and how long did it take for...
I work a full time job. Most of my symtoms are gone except the severe arthritis in my knees and shoulders. Working is painful, but I fully believe, if I didn't work I would lose mobility quite...
Has anyone here know anything about the Sierra Integrative Medical Center in Northern Nevada? I cannot find much online about success rate. thanks momtomonsters...
What does treatment cost at Hansa? It might be something to save up for. THanks, momtomonsters...
Northern Nevada :turn: Momtomonsters...
I would have to say I am much better. Most of my symptoms are gone. I am scared to stop all treatment but I do feel better. I have been left with severe osteoarthritis in my knees that will require...
I believe I have much less neck and especially knee pain since taking plaquenil. Momtomonsters...
I am currently taking the following antibiotics: Doxycycline 300mg daily(since June09) Zithromax 500mg/daily Ceftin 500mg/2x daily momtomonsters...
Thanks Patti. Do you know how many bands they test for? I had lab corp do my last 2. Momtomonsters...
Does anyone know what a Western Blot costs through Ignex? I appreciate it. Momtomonsters...
I had my GP order my western blot and it was run through labcorp. Both blots done were positive. I am now set up with a LLMD who runs specialized tests through Igenex. Momtomonsters Kathleen...
Wow, I am grateful I am seeing a LLMD but boy is this medication wearing me out. For the longest time I was on 200 mg of doxy. I don't think it was killing the lyme but it did have me in maintenance...
I am just sad that the largest container of epsom salts I can find is a 4 lb carton. I buy 3-4 at a time. How big of containers of epsom salts do you find and where????? Kathleen...
I take 6000 mg of Vit D3 per day. I stopped the plaquenil and feel better. THe pain is worse but I am not fuzzy and nauseated. I ordered Kaprex and should be able to start it by the weekend. Hoping...
If I had the choice between the knee pain and the nausea/panic/GI stuff... I would take the knee pain. Luckily where I work, my hours are flexible. I will go in for a bit on Sat to make up for...
Thanks JoAnn, I feel like I am going crazy. Usually, I deal with just the knee pain. Ice helps but it is frustrating not being able to tale a step without pain. The newest symptoms might be the...
I don't know if I can do this anymore. I am feeling horrible. I am in terrible pain from the arthritis caused by this disease. I missed work today. That has never happened before. I feel like I am...
1. knee pain 2. Neck pain 3. Vision loss 4. fatigue 5. shoulder pain Kathleen( Momtomonsters)...
I had a bad knee before lyme. I had a torn meniscus a few years ago and had arthroscopic surgery to repair it. When I got sick with lyme, my worst symptom was my knees, especially the proviously...
Thanks for all of your responses. My ortho is on vacation this week. I am in with a PA on Wed but would rather wait in pain until next week to see my own doctor. I am going through epsom salts like...
Yesterday was a really bad day. My knee is swollen. I was on percocet all day and I hate that. I can't lay down, the pain magnifies 10 times when I lay down. I am going to get into ortho today. I...
I started teasel tincture today and hope for some relief. The pain meds are not really effective which is really scary to me. I have been given a handicap parking placard. I am grateful for that, it...