I recently got approved for disability and I just called the local SS office and asked for paper work and then gave them all the info. It took about 5months and got back pay for last 2 yrs. I did not...
Purplegirl it all depends on your insurance my insurance paid 90% of the picc and 90% of meds with supplies...
Ya i have those little dishes to do my own test and bought the diagnostic test to find out what kind of mold it is. I know i have mold i just dont know where the source is yet. Could be coming...
Oh heads up... just to get a picc line it costs $10,000 so if you can avoid having it pulled to find out a wk later you get to continue treatment. So my advise is that you get with your dr and ins...
Some ins will pay for an extended time after the initial 30 days. Before your treatment is up you will have to go back to your dr and have them file another claim before you get the line pulled. Do...
What makes me more angry is they are building a new facility in Manhattan, KS. Right in the heart of our country. And about 2hrs from me. But we dont have a shore line for dumping so what going to...
If you would like any further info about mold you can check out the web sites i provided in the first post. I will get back soon with update and help with questions. Thanks for your patients...
Lyme-ticked dont know what insurance you have but I just send my receipt to my ins co and they do the rest. Anywho I spoke a lil too soon well the two days I felt better I guess I should not have...
I wanted to get back with everyone on the Mold/Mycotoxin problem my LLMD thought I might have. Ok first of all my Dr and some of his collegues whom also have lyme patients who are not progressing in...
He did not say the name maybe he did, heck so much info I was overloaded, I will call and ask tomorrow let ya know...
mercuryb I also thought that diflucan would do it cuz i take it on a daily basis already, but the dr said it will not kill the fungus, and yes my house has mold im sure of it from the check list yep...
Bucci I thought it was you that was talking about molds and lyme.... Yes your right!! My lyme dr and his collegues are looking into this and have already test 10 lyme patients and 9 came back with an...
teeners .... Sorry you have a rash from this medicine...but if you take the prednisone you will be WAY SICKER FASTER than you think.. I was givin predisone and that is what kicked my lyme into high...
Depending on the insurance you have, its always a good thing to call the insurance company directly and ask...Remember they work for you and any information they have should be shared. Your doctor...
Spall I know exactly what you are saying about the unconfortable armpit. I got a pick put in in Oct 2010 and the pressure from that one was fine, but a month later got an allergic reaction to the...
Wiseguy Hope all is well with your IV Rocephine, I myself have had a few rounds of IV Rocephine. The first round was 28 days and had little results, had orals for 3 months after that and was put back...
Mine was strong too but its obvious its not strong enough to have the brain fog, anxiety, and other neuro problems. Its the lyme tell you "HERE I AM" Those symptoms were what i experienced long...
Vertigo is a symptom of lyme...I went to a Ear, Nose, and Throat Dr and could not find a thing wrong other than the lyme causing it. I Also have lesions on my brain from lyme, and I feel this vertigo...
Hi Denise and thanks again for all your wonderful links. This a a good one to send to people in the family that I have actually handed them the book Beating Lyme Disease and havent bothered to read....
Traveler Thats hilarious...well sad at the same time but thats exactly it with the Pizza anyone comment. Bahahahaha!!! Thats me to a "T" Funny when hubby and I go somewhere and we get to the...
jen1058 Sorry you are feeling so horrible. Lyme is no fun, I have been dealing with this crap every since I was diagnosed in 06. From orals to iv's and still not 100% But recently found out I also...
needshelp Same here im on IV Rocephine too and I also go thru 3 shirts a day. We are detoxing and its gross but the toxins are leaving our bodies and I do seem to get more relief from symptoms after...
Lymie20 The first thing you should do is evaluate yourself. If Rocephine is helping maybe the LLMD will continue for another month. But the tricky thing there is getting the insurance to approve you...
Lymie20 Good Luck with your treatment. Hope you get some relief...
therearemiracles I take breaks in my rocephine IV's which I am actually taking a break this week. I get to feeling so overloaded and the herx reactions get to much. I have been off since last Wed....
I also have this from time to time like "NOW" Have been to eye specialist and everything checks out ok and for my age no glasses yet. But he also told me the lyme bacteria can get into the optic...
I took mepron and Zithromax for 6 months but never retested for Babesia after that and the symptoms are so close to lyme to be honest I couldnt tell a difference. Hope it works for you...
Yep im on that train with ya'll.......Getting so close to jumping I can taste it....
Ah How Precious!! Congratulations!! What a great joy, Goog Luck and take it easy....
I had a long detailed response to Horsehelper and got booted off so now im mad and no time to start over. Get back with you soon Stacy...
HorseHelper You poor thing I went thru the same thing. My whole arm and shoulder just ached for a week after the placement of the picc line. It helps to use a heating pad on the shoulder area and and...
079 Thats the great doxy at work, sweating is part of the herx reaction. And if all the symptoms that you had will get worse before better. Thats how the dr explained it to me. Have you ever seen the...
Makes me want to take a handful of ticks and put them in every bed of every physican that said i was crazy and see how crazy they become.....JERKS!!...
Oh ya craziness these lymph nodes....After being on treatment for over a yr I get these in my neck and under my arms. I went to my GP and she gives me more abx....like im not on enough with the IV...
079 Doxy is a good one to take for some. Try the suggestions thats some have. YES!!! Eat before you take meds. It tore up my stomach and I thought nothing could do that....cuz i eat spicy all the...
079 The refridgerated probiotics are the best. Go to your local health food store or pharmacy where you get your meds and ask if they have them. They are everywhere, but the one that you want are the...
If anyone thinks Hansa Center is expensive try the health center of america. In my opinion that Dr R at the health centers of america is a RIP-OFF! Geez!! For the price they charge their office...
Denail I live in KS and finally found a great Lyme Dr. What part of KS do you live in? Send me an email to browneyesmv720@yahoo.com and I will try and help you with info. And depending on what kind...
LOL!! Lost so many of those lil post-it-notes even the brightest of colors. I now use a spiral notebook and calendar. Kids are a great help...LOVE IT!!...
When I said you are lucky I really mean you just dont understand how lucky you are . . . When a person with lyme can get treatment like you are going get this early on and just finding out well hun...
I thinking long and hard about herbs myself....keep us updated on your progress with your protocol. Ya i just tell him, "If you didnt act like such an A$$ then the B!@#$ wouldnt fire back at ya all...
079 My brain fog was so bad I would get lost in the grocery store or just wonder off for no reason cuz something caught my eye....and then forget why I was even at the store and how I got there. You...
Sorry you are feeling poorly. But sounds like things may turn out awesome for you, you say you are going to get IV abx for 3 months. Great start for you considering you learned about your rash in...
Oh and By the way I HATE the words crazy episode or "having one of your episodes" comments....... SPIT!!! On that, I would rather call it UNCONTROLABLE LYME SYMPTOM , well isnt that what happens....
OK ALL --- Im walkin the walk right there beside ya. Hope I can get to the point quick on this one...hehehe! Anit-depressants do not work for some. Def not me. I talked to my lyme dr about something...
Susieq64 So Sorry you also had to deal with the Picc line terror.... Ok maybe I can help with some of your issues. If you have to get your line replaced in the other arm, ask your doctor for...
Bucci try this website. www.wpinstitute.org/xmrv/xmrv_qa.html This is the lab where there are conducting tests right now and my lyme dr is invovlved in research I will be getting this test but the...
Brrrr is right ! ! Well we got the snow and more to come. If this wind would die down a little it wouldnt be so bad....my american flag is flying straight up. Im sure my son will be begging to head...
Welcome Lymeatlast I had an MRI and it showed lesions on my brain as well. It is from the lyme. Not sure if my theory is correct but I was bit on the very top of my head and feel that the lyme...