Like I said before I am grateful to everyone for all of your advice and that you all care. I posted because I thought you all wanted to know how my appointment went. I am new to this and I am not...
Gary, I am not avoiding seeing a LLMD. I already had this appointment set up and have only been told I had a false positive a few weeks ago. I had never been to an LD before and didn't really know...
Thank you for answering my post so quickly. It helps to know that I am not the only one who is going through this. I seems to me that when you see a ID doctor that he would want to run his own tests....
I saw the infectious disease doctor and was told that I had a false positive for Lyme from him. He went by the test I had run before my spinal tap and didn't run any tests of his own. He said if you...
If they have me pay upfront then I will do that but maybe I'll get lucky and they will arrange payments for me....
Gary, I tried to email you through your regular email and both my emails came back to me....
Gary, The ILADS just sent me an email. I am in Illinois. They say there is one in Elgin IL. and one in Iowa. I guess those are the closest to me....
Thank you for the information. I just received a message from the ILADS there isn't one in my city but I told them I am willing to travel....
I Did contact the ILADS website and I'm hoping they will be able to find a LLMD in my area....
I don't know of a good LLMD here. My PCP is who referred me to the Infectious disease clinic. I tried to look online to see if there was a LLMD here but had no luck. I'm not sure if I am going about...
Thank you for the information. I had no idea that most insurance doesn't cover seeing an LLMD. In rough numbers what do you think it would cost me so see one? If it's very expensive I don't know if I...
Do you think if I ask the infectious disease Dr when I go that he will send me to an LLMD or will I have to get a referral from my PCP. I'm so confused by all of this. Not knowing if I have MS or...
Gretchen, Thank you for answering so quickly. I will do all I can about The Lyme disease if I do have it....
I'm new on here and I have been going to a Neurologist for over a year who thinks I have MS. I had blood work right before my spinal tap and I had a positive come back on one out of three lyme tests....